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3 Neutral
  1. Discord Server

    Hello, there have been some unpleasant fellas in the discord server, who constantly insult other people for no apparent reason, keep writing everything in caps and attack people verbally at random. Since there is no mod/Admin on in discord atm i wanted to make a post here, maybe someone will see it sooner in here. The two people i have mentioned are Melindor#8023 and jenjang#5043 . Please any Mod/Admin come on to ban these people from the discord server, as they are simply annoying people and dont have a place in here.
  2. so are you going to add the Ornate BUtterfly skin to the shop? if yes then that makes the server basically double as good as before for me :^)
  3. Hey, is there a possibility that you can add the Ornate Butterfly skin set? I believe they are 4.7 or 4.8 skin set, but is there a possibility to add them? aiondatabase links to the items in case you need them Hat Outfit
  4. Welcome to EuroAion!

    Hey there! I'm German and if you need some help with translations from english (or some russian) im glad to help out. Message me here or on discord (Im in the server with the same nick and profile picture as here)