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Everything posted by Admin

  1. Вы бы нам очень помоголи, если бы протестировали некоторые файлы у себя. Так как проблема непонятная и без ее повторения решить ее крайне сложно. Идеальна была бы связь через телеграм. Если это возможно, напишите свой логин телеграм нам на почту или в личные сообщения
  2. Проверьте включен ли у вас режим совместимости в свойствах файла euroaion.exe Если да, его нужно отключить. Напишите по результату пожалуйста.
  3. Здравствуйте Сегодня утром было обновление. Проблема появилась после него? Играли раньше и все было в порядке?
  4. Missing skill effects

    Hello. Today we made some more changes. Please check and write to us.
  5. Missing skill effects

    Please check, maybe your version.dll is blocked? If so, you need to uncheck the box. File version.dll in bin32-bin64 Is it possible for you to create a ticket on discord? We need direct communication. The forum is not suitable for this.
  6. Missing skill effects

    Yes. Thank you
  7. Missing skill effects

    If you do not want to help us, you will have to wait until we find such a person and solve the problem.
  8. Missing skill effects

    You won't be able to play like this for long! Your files are not updated! You will not be able to see and use new weapons, items and skills.
  9. Missing skill effects

    To solve a problem you need to understand why it occurs. To understand we need answers to our questions. We cannot repeat the problem ourselves. We need files from your client, maybe the problem is in them. -archive the folders bin32 and bin64 and all the files from the root of the game folder and send them to us. We will use them for tests and checkups. Please send them to us by email:
  10. Missing skill effects

    If you do not use the launcher, then enter the game WITHOUT updating the files. This can't last long. New items and so on will not work for you. Use euroaion.exe to enter the game. You can download it from the link
  11. Missing skill effects

    The launcher uses the same file through which you are currently logged in... How long have you been playing the game before? There were some updates yesterday. Please go into the game using the launcher and write if everything is ok.
  12. Missing skill effects

    No. To solve a problem you need to understand why it occurs. To understand we need answers to our questions. We cannot repeat the problem ourselves. We need files from your client, maybe the problem is in them. -archive the folders bin32 and bin64 and all the files from the root of the game folder and send them to us. We will use them for tests and checkups. Please send them to us by email:
  13. Missing skill effects

    This screenshot is from an email. There are only 1 .html files
  14. Missing skill effects

    Unfortunately, you sent us something wrong.
  15. Missing skill effects

    Thank you. Have you tried completely uninstalling your antivirus? It did not help? Do you use any software to reduce ping? If so, disable them.
  16. Missing skill effects

    We have made some changes. Please check now and write to us with the result.
  17. Missing skill effects

    Most likely the problem is with extra files in your client. If possible, we recommend downloading the client from scratch and launching the launcher. Please let us know the results.
  18. Missing skill effects

    We are looking for a solution to the problem. Please wait.
  19. Missing skill effects

    Open folder "Effects" and take a screenshot.
  20. Missing skill effects

    You are the first with such a problem. No ideas yet. If possible, temporarily uninstall your antivirus and try logging into the game. After removing the antivirus, you need to restart your PC.
  21. Missing skill effects

    What about antivirus? Restart the game after adding the game folder to the exceptions.
  22. Missing skill effects

    Hello. Check for the version.dll file in the bin64 folder. He should be there. If it is not there, most likely it was removed by your antivirus. If so, download the file from the link and place it in bin64. Add the game folder to your antivirus exclusion. What operating system are you using?
  23. Здравствуйте Мы не можем решать такие вопросы на форуме. Лучший вариант это создать тикет в дискорд. Либо пришлите скриншот в личные сообщения Необходимо УДАЛИТЬ предмет и отправить нам скриншот, где будет видно: -имя вашего персонажа (должен быть четко виден САМ персонаж и его имя), -таблицу рейтинга бездны, начиная с военачальника (имена игроков, не личный рейтинг. Открывается через меню влиятельности), -дату и время на сервере (навести курсор на луну/солнце рядом с навигатором) -системный чат, где будет написано, что вы УДАЛИЛИ ошибочно купленный предмет.
  24. Доброго времени суток уважаемые игроки! 01.02 в 09:00 по МСК, сервер будет отключен для выполнения технических работ. Время недоступности сервера - около 30 - 60 минут! До встречи в игре!