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Showing most liked content on 05/15/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Giving out a couple of untradeable serums as compensation for three weeks of downtime wasn't feasible but spoonfeeding them to a small portion of one faction is? Interesting. So glad that I stopped playing after the soft reset and the introduction of your bad balanced custom changes. I can see that some effort has been made and you seem to try but alas this effort is wasted since you clearly don't play the same game and thus have no idea what players really want / need. Best of luck.
  2. 2 points
    Решила у себя эту проблему. (Установлена Windows 7) Удалила полностью с ноутбука .Net Framework. На сайте Microsoft скачала обновление KB4474419 для Windows 7. Установила его на ноутбук. После перезагрузки ноута установила последнюю версию .Net Framework, снова перезагрузила ноут и после этого клиент игры спокойно обновился и игра запустилась.
  3. 1 point
    Greetings, as with any Private Server service, class switching is completely feasible and possible. The process is to be conducted by a specialized Game Master, which will be working through the different Class Switch requests that players buy in the shop. When a player buys a Class Switch request, they enter their current class and their desired new class, and after a payment of x ecoins they are placed in a waiting list. At a later date, when their time is up, they are contacted by the specialist Game Master while their character is online, after a final confirmation of their desired class the specialist will take notes of the entirety of the inventory of the character, including pets, warehouse inventory, etc. After this is done, the player must log in on a Level 10 character with their desired class. They will be immediately leveled up to Level 65, and the equivalent gear from their previous character will be added to their new class. (Please note: 99% of all items in the game will have an equal equivalent for another class, if a player is a Gladiator with only one weapon at enchantment level +15 and a fuse underneath, and they switch to a Gunner which uses 4 weapons, they will either be compensated with 3 +15 weapons of the same quality and a +0 weapon to be used as a fuse with an additional cost to this service, or they will receive two one-handed weapons at enchantment level +15). After the new character has received a full copy of the inventory of the previous character, with the gear exchanged for their class equivalent, the specialist will then assign the numbers of Abyss Points, Titles, Motion Cards, Glory Points and everything else the player had on the previous character. Following the completion of this service, the previous character is deleted immediately, and it's name is assigned to the new character. Note: Depending on character inventory complexity, this entire process takes between less than one hour to up to 2 hours. Please note that some game services, such as house ownership, may be lost as a result of performing a class switch.
  4. 1 point
    Можно ходить и убивать тех кто стоит, чем не развлечение? У всех есть право выбора. Все ивенты не будут ТОПовые для всех игроков и это факт. Всегда будут недовольные, каждому угодить невозможно.
  5. 1 point
    В играх которым больше 10 лет нужно понимать что контент уже пройден вдоль и поперек всеми и единственное что может удержать людей постоянные ИНТЕРЕСНЫЕ активности в ивентах,а стоять на одном месте ждать сундука периодически огребая от зерга это такой себе интерес