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Showing most liked content on 12/06/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Good day dear players! As many of you know, the server started its work 2 month ago. First time the number of Asmodians was higher, now the situation is vice versa. We are not interested in a strong imbalance of factions, because we know what it leads to. Therefore, from today we are starting a promotion for all new players who start their way on our server! Each new Asmo player at the start of the game will receive at its disposal: Full premium account: Boosts insignias earned in all Crucible instances by 20%. Boosts AP earned by PvP and PvE by 20%. Boosts Energy of Repose XP bonus (by 50%), which makes it into Strong Energy of Repose. Boosts Energy of Repose recharge speed (by 2 times). 5 items of premium account are issued, each for 1 day. You can activate all 5 items at once (premium time will be prolonged), or leave the packs for later. But keep in mind, each premium item occupies a separate cell in your inventory. Administrator's Boon (7-day pass) Cancels any Soul Sickness or XP loss following death. Also, the cost for flight transport or teleportation is reduced to 1 Kinah. For improved soul healing, an additional fee will be charged. This item lasts for 7 days. Ruddytail Heorn (7 days) Movement Speed 12.8 Flight Speed 16.0 Sprint effect available Sprint Movement Speed 15.2 Flight Time Consumed per Second -8.0 These items are issued for only one character on the account! All items are untradeable. The promotion is in progress until 29.12.2019 inclusively. In case the situation gets better earlier, the promotion will be stopped! It can be extended as well! If the promotion does not help in attracting players to the Asmo side, more drastic measures will be taken, in the form of transfers from race to race and complete closure of registration for Ely side. But we would not like to do this, as every day 100+ accounts are registered on the server. And don't forget, that in addition to the bonuses for Asmodians, there are bonuses for all new players on the server! We are waiting for you on the dark side! Enjoy the game! Pay attention! the reward is available only until level 10! As soon as you reach the 10th level, the poll with rewards will disappear! So don't forget to take the rewards during your first 9 levels!
  2. 1 point
    Okay, thanks, I can definitley understand why you won't reply again after this post. Let me just say: That Person is clearly not a friend tho. A friend would take you home and make sure you're safe. Makes me sad that we have to discuss this in 2019. Admins ???
  3. 1 point
    If you're asking my own understanding , I could tell you this : Supposing that you're a girl and you have drink a bit more then normal , you when a bit high . If some friend ask you for sex you can't say no . Happens in every country , and it's not rapist at all . MY OWN UNDERSTANDING . I don't have to go and think that someone is forcing you . Keep calm and play Aion . We have more topics to discuss about this server , a legion name is the last thing to mention on forum , but I understand , people are bored and has nothing to do more then write shit over here . I'll not answer to any other reply . This topic is stupid , but from the first look I laughed . Good luck Daeva
  4. 1 point
    How much did you get paid to comment here ? Looks like i'm watching some shitty product on amazon with amazing comments . Basically payed comments for none reason . I like the name of the legion , and there's no hate speech or any kind of promotion . UnconsciousGirlsCantSayNo can means many things , but depends on how retarded you are it may vary . If you have some trauma because they raped you , sorry but not everybody had the same experience .
  5. 1 point
    А может вы уже апните версию или начнете слышать/слушать игроков ? А может вы сделайте что то для сервера? Просили же не раз какой то хоть пвп ивент, вы поставили ивент в оке с компотом. Опять же зачем? На 4.6 и так много пве контента ,зачем еще. Может вы будете что то делать чтобы вернуть игроков или поднять онлайн. А не сидеть и кормить всех с этими осадами истоков и око тиамаранты чтобы люди больше разочаровались и ушли все! 4.91 и вам цены не будет!
  6. 1 point
    I saw that Legion Name some days ago and couldn't believe that this is okay. I don't care if it's meant to be funny or if the People who created the Legion are nice. Lets be clear here: This is Sexist towards women and I absolutely do not feel comfortable reading this Name. It sucks. It would also sucks if it would be called "Boys" but well ... as usual you don't see the word "Boys" put in there. I wonder what the Legion creater thought when he typed in that Name. I don't think we have to discuss this, the meaning is very clear and totally NOT okay. I hope admins will take care of this. I just can not believe that this is tolerated for so long.