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miiche    0

Hello everyone, I am currently downloading the game but I thought I should ask on the forums first.

I always see this server so popular and active, although im not from Europe and I will most likely have high ping Im downloading to try it out but is it worth playing?

Is it possible for a new player to catch up to endgame? Or will i be outgeared for so long before i can be competitve?

To be honest I dont know much about the server so if you guys could tell me what are the normal events or is it pay to win, id appreciate any information.

Sorry if im asking in the wrong forum.

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TheAlmighty    1,151


If you're living far away from Frankfurt, Germany then yes, you may experience problems with the ping. In this case we can suggest you to use some ping reducers, as exitlag/vpngame or similar.

The server has been on for more than 2 years now and there are people with a lot of points in the TOP, so you will have to spend some time to reach the rank. However we have double rates on daily GP loss.

The server is not pay to win, you can see our game shop on the main website after you log in, or follow the link:


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Skullreaper    0

If you want to be competitive in PvP, you will need to spend a lot of time I think. Maybe if a legion helps you, it's faster, but still difficoult/slow


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