
[TOURNAMENT] The Greatest Master!

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Nimfeya    135


Greatest Master 3.jpg

Great victories are awaiting you! You have now the opportunity to prove to the whole Atreia that only you are The Master of your class
 or may be even The Greatest Master of Atreia!

In this tournament we will find out who is the most skilled on our server
 and who is the best in his class...

1vs1 Tournament "The Greatest Master".

The tournament will consist of two stages. 

Equipment for participation



You can use your own equipment, except the prohibited ones


  • Wings
  • Plumes
  • Governor's and commander's armor
  • Governor's and commander's weapon  

Each participant must have open information about the equipment.
It is PROHIBITED to close the information during the tournament! 


The first phase is finding our the strongest in class (within classes)
The second phase is the fight of the strongest, 11 winners in their classes will compete for the title "The Greatest master of Atreia

Dates of the tournament:

  • First phase: 29th of February / 18:00 server time 
  • Second phase (final): 1st of March / 18:00 server time 

Attention! The players of different factions wont be teleporter to the arena of the opposite side as viewers. We will try to hold one part of the event in the Arena of one side, and the second part on the second arena. Only streamers are allowed to be teleporter to the arena of the opposite faction. For this you must write to us In ADVANCE about your will to stream the tournament. You can do it here in the present topic or in the private messages to the administration. You must provide your nickname and link to the channel. 



EuroAion rules of the tournaments

General information
1.  Game version: game client of EuroAion of the version 4.6.
2.    The tournament can be attended by an individual who has passed the registration procedure in the game and on the forum, thereby adopting the rules of the server.
3.    By registering for the tournament, the participant confirms that he / she:

  • Read and fully agrees with these rules and undertakes not to violate them.
  • Clearly understands the terms and consequences of his/her actions and the relevant provisions set forth in the present server rules.

4.    A player can participate with the character of the 65 level, of only one class.
5.    Official locations of the tournament: Sanctum and Pandemonium arenas , located in the capitals of the respective sides.
6.    The venue of the tournament is EuroAion server
7.    During the time of tournament, the participant undertakes to appear at the venue of the match 20 minutes before its start, in full combat readiness.

The format of the phases
8.    The first qualifying phase is conducted within classes, in the format of contest (3 fights until 2 victories of one of the participants). The phase ends when the number of 11 winners (1 of every class) is reached
9.   The second phase (final) is conducted between winners of the class tournament, in the format of contest (3 fights until 2 victories of one of the participants). It ends after all matches have been played. The top 3 players are awarded with a rank based on their winner's place.    
10.    Before the battle, participants are given 2 minutes to prepare.
11.    The battle begins after the command "!!!" (exclamation marks) given by the referees conducting the match.
12.    The battle is lost if the enemy was defeated/the amount of hp the enemy has reached a minimum.
13.    The participant is allowed to be late for 5 minutes, at the same time the participant is obliged to warn the judge about the delay not less than 20 minutes before the start of the match. The late participant receives a warning.
14.    All fights are held under the supervision of the referees.
15.    The break between fights is 3 minutes.

16.    Players take part in fights in the equipment of the characters that they have, except the prohibited items.

Rematch is carried out in the following cases:
17.    Use banned skills
18.    "Disconnections" from the game for less than 5 minutes

19.    The use of any errors (bugs) of the game and the program code in order to gain an advantage in the battles.
20.    The use of the third-party software (cheat engine, radar etc.)
21.    The use of positive and negative effects from third-party players.
22.    The use of all resurrection skills, items and their analogues.
23.    Guardian General transformation.
24.    Flying during the battle.
25.    The use of any DP-skills.
26.    The use any of the transformation candies.
27.    The use of profanity, insults to participants and / or referees and any actions that interfere with the conduct of fights.
28.    The use of spheres / crystals of recovery (3/5K HP/MP, 3/5K HP, 3/5K MP)
29.    The use of recovery potions (5K HP / MP)
30.    The use of the item "Fine Bracing Water"
31.    The use of all event items restoring HP, MP and removing debuffs. 
32.    The use of the "Leader's Recovery Scroll"
33.    The use of the "Brigade General's Liquid Courage"
34.    The following skills are banned in the fights within classes:

  • Ranger - Sleep Arrow I
  • Sorcerer - Somnolence I
  • Spiritmaster - Curse of Fire I (Elyos) and Curse of Water I (Asmo)
  • Assassin - Calming Whisper IV
  • Templar - Iron Skin I
  • Gladiator - Wall of Steel I
  • Chanter - Aetheric Field I (Asmo), Word of Spellstopping I (Elyos) and Word of Quickness I
  • Cleric - Immortal Shroud I

Disqualifications and disciplinary sanctions:
35.    If during the battle, any player has technical problems (disconnection from the game, a critical error) and the player does not return to the game within 5 minutes, a technical defeat is counted. Further, depending on the decision of the referees, the fight can be rematched or not. 
36.    In case, the player is caught in the deliberate use "disconnections" in order to obtain personal advantages (skill recharges and so on), this participant is subjected to disqualification on the decision of the judges.
37.    The violation of the points No.19 and 20 is followed by the disqualification from tournament.
38.    The violation of points No. 21 - 34, and also false start are followed by the warning and rematch
39.    Disqualification from the tournament is set after accumulating two warnings.
40.    In case of absence of the player for 5 minutes from the time fixed in the schedule as the beginning of the match, the participant receives technical defeat (TD).
41.    The resolution of any disputes regarding the application or non-application of the sanctions will be made at the discretion of the supervising and chief referees .
42.    The use of several characters by one player, the player will be disqualified from the tournament.  

Appeals consideration procedure
43.    If any player has any questions concerning the recently finished battle, a participant can set an immediate petition to the  referees about conducting investigations via game chat or discord.
44.    If during the fight one of the participants notices the performance the prohibited actions by the opponent, the fight must be brought to an end. Immediately after the end of the fight, the participant can apply to the referees for an investigation. According to the results of the investigation, the referees make a decision.
45.    The decision of the referee on any situation, including those not described in these rules, are final and are not subject to the further discussions.
46.    The discussion of the final decision on any situation made by the tournament referee is the reason for disqualification.
47.    Disqualification implies the immediate completion of the current game with the affixing of a technical defeat. In all the following games, the player also receives a technical defeat.


PvP 1x1 within classes



 1 item on the player's choice:

Titles (1 pcs.)

  • [Title card] Aion's Chosen (30 days)
    (Speed+5% Atk Speed+3% Casting Speed+3% Maximum HP+500)
  • [Title] Legendary (30 days)
    (Speed+4 Atk Speed+4% Casting Speed+4%)

Pet (1 pcs.)

  • Popstar Summoning Lamp  (30 days)
  • Helper Pixie Egg (30 days)
  • Stormwing Egg (30 days)
  • Tahabata Egg (30 days)
  • Infernal Diabol Egg (30 days)
  • Innocent Merek Egg (30 days)
  • Golden Crown Akarun Egg (30-day) (feed with shugo coins from the Shugo Imperial Tomb)

Mount (1 pcs.)

  • Ruddytail Heorn (30 days)
  • Palomeno Heorn (30 days)
  • Sharptooth Voidtracer (30 days)
  • Sharptooth Barbtail (30 days)
  • Sharptooth Steamrunner (30 days)
  • Sharptooth Ripper (30 days)
  • Flying Pagati (30 days)


  • Food (100 pcs.)
  • Scrolls (100 pcs.)
  • potions (recovery serum VI, etc.) (200 pcs.) 
  • Unstoppable Ailu Form  (30 pcs.)
  • Indomitable Ailu Form  (30 pcs.)
  • Unstoppable Ailu Form  (30 pcs.)
  • Indomitable Ailu Form  (30 pcs.)
  • Composite Manastone Pouch  (10 pcs.)
  • Enchantment stone  (lvl 130) (15 pcs.)
  • [Event] Drana Coffee  (20 pcs.)
  • Fine Bracing Water  (2 pcs.)
  • Tempering Solution  (2 pcs.)
  • Winter-Man Idian Chest (3 Eternal on your choice) 
  • Godstone  (Fable, lvl50, one from the pouch on your choice) 


  • Platinum medal (40 pcs.)
  • Gold medal (60 pcs.)

Coins / Tokens

  • Gold Coin  (120 pcs.)
  • Platinum Coin  (110 pcs.)
  • Mithril Coin  (100 pcs.)
  • Groggie  (40 pcs.)
  • Wright's Token  (40 pcs.)
  • Legion Coin  (20 pcs.)
  • Ancient Coin  (100 pcs.)
  • Circle Token  (25 pcs.)
  • Orichalcum Token  (25 pcs.)
  • Daemon Token  (25 pcs.)
  • Fortuneers Token  (25 pcs.)
  • Crusader Token  (25 pcs.)
  • Radiant Token  (25 pcs.)
  • Ward Token  (25 pcs.)
  • Progress Token  (25 pcs.)
  • Guestpetal  (25 pcs.)
  • Kahrun's Symbol  (50 pcs.)

Armor skins (1 pcs. / 1 part of a set)

  • Costume (attire or 1 pcs. of a set)
  • Armor/Hat (for appearance)
  • Wings (only skins)

Coupons (1 pcs.)

  • Name Change Ticket
  • Legion Name Change Ticket
  • Gender Switch Ticket
  • Plastic Surgery Ticket

Dungeon entry scrolls  (3 pcs.)

  • Infinity Shard Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Rentus Base Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Udas Temple Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Lower Udas Temple Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Beshmundir Temple Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Tiamat Stronghold Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Dragon Lord's Refuge Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Steel Rose Cargo Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Steel Rose Quarters Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Steel Rose Deck Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Sauro Supply Base Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Ophidan Bridge Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Danuar Sanctuary Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Illuminary Obelisk Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Danuar Reliquary Bonus Entry Scroll

Crafting materials

  • Crafting Materials (amount on the decision of the administration)

Recipes (any, 1 pcs.)

  • Any recipe on the player's choice



Final rounds



The winners will receive.
1st winner

  • [Title] Glorious Number One (30 days)    (2 pcs)
    (PvP Magical Defense+2% ,PvP Physical Defense+2%, Speed+5, Atk Speed+4%, Casting Speed+4%)
  • Administrator's Boon 30-Days Pass        
  • Legion Pagati       
  • Value Boost Pack I (30 day)

2nd winner

  • [Title] Glorious Number One (30 days)    (1 pcs)
    (PvP Magical Defense+2% ,PvP Physical Defense+2%, Speed+5, Atk Speed+4%, Casting Speed+4%)
  • Administrator's Boon 30-Days Pass      
  • Ruddytail Heorn 
  • Value Boost Pack I (30 day)            

3nd winner

  • [Title card] Aion's Chosen (30 days)  (1 pcs.)
    (Speed+5% Atk Speed+3% Casting Speed+3% Maximum HP+500)
  • Administrator's Boon 30-Days Pass  
  • Pet Distribution Card: Siberian Wild Tiger (Purebred) 
  • Value Boost Pack I (30 Days)

    If a player already has an item, it can be exchanged.



Panel of Referees:







Recruitment of the referees for the tournament


The acceptance of applications for participation in the tournament ends

Only the character of the 56th level can participate in the tournament.
One player can only participate in the tournament WITH one CHARACTER.
In order to participate in the tournament you need to send an application in the appropriate topic presented below. 

Submit an application:

APPLICATIONS for participation in the tournament " the Greatest master"


TOP 3 of the players of every class and TOP 5 of the winners of the filas round
will be displayed on the website as the TOP players of the server


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TheAlmighty    1,151

Final dates of the tournament:

  • First phase: 29th of February / 18:00 server time 
  • Second phase (final): 1st of March / 18:00 server time 

Awaiting you at the tournament!

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TheAlmighty    1,151

Hello, dear players!

Tomorrow, on February, 29, at 6 PM server time, the first stage of the tournament “The Greatest Master” begins!

We are ready to announce the final list of participants:



  • Ebolakun
  • Hordos
  • Nazukiie
  • Maaad


  • Reconquista
  • Saejiin
  • Tyrael
  • Brokenblade
  • Kym


  • Vootan
  • Cama
  • Takasuki
  • Steiner
  • Devi


  • Elementfeux
  • Degcube


  • Agresss
  • Shandris
  • Ambivalenz


  • Keks


  • Kedu
  • Lynnn
  • Rulai 


  • Bakarune
  • Stakanvodki
  • Gribouille
  • Enna


  • Jumong
  • Looooolka
  • Qinzz


  • Diio
  • Riddick
  • Byakuya
  • Babygirl
  • Versace


  • Senju
  • Pabbi
  • Mwi


The players having no opponent will get to the second stage of the tournament automatically, and are allowed not to come to the 1st part. 

The fights within classes will be held in the following order:

1.    Chanters;
2.    Spiritmasters;
3.    Aethertechs.
4.    Rangers;
5.    Songweavers;
6.    Assassins;
7.    Templars;
8.    Sorcerers;
9.    Gladiators;

The meeting point for the participants is on the arenas of corresponding factions!

All the participants must arrive to the arenas in the capitals 20 minutes before the start of the event! All the players will be teleported to one location, where the fights will be held.

Please, make sure to get familiar with the rules of participation, which includes prohibited skills and items!



EuroAion rules of the tournaments

General information
1.  Game version: game client of EuroAion of the version 4.6.
2.    The tournament can be attended by an individual who has passed the registration procedure in the game and on the forum, thereby adopting the rules of the server.
3.    By registering for the tournament, the participant confirms that he / she:

  • Read and fully agrees with these rules and undertakes not to violate them.
  • Clearly understands the terms and consequences of his/her actions and the relevant provisions set forth in the present server rules.

4.    A player can participate with the character of the 65 level, of only one class.
5.    Official locations of the tournament: Sanctum and Pandemonium arenas , located in the capitals of the respective sides.
6.    The venue of the tournament is EuroAion server
7.    During the time of tournament, the participant undertakes to appear at the venue of the match 20 minutes before its start, in full combat readiness.

The format of the phases
8.    The first qualifying phase is conducted within classes, in the format of contest (3 fights until 2 victories of one of the participants). The phase ends when the number of 11 winners (1 of every class) is reached
9.   The second phase (final) is conducted between winners of the class tournament, in the format of contest (3 fights until 2 victories of one of the participants). It ends after all matches have been played. The top 3 players are awarded with a rank based on their winner's place.    
10.    Before the battle, participants are given 2 minutes to prepare.
11.    The battle begins after the command "!!!" (exclamation marks) given by the referees conducting the match.
12.    The battle is lost if the enemy was defeated/the amount of hp the enemy has reached a minimum.
13.    The participant is allowed to be late for 5 minutes, at the same time the participant is obliged to warn the judge about the delay not less than 20 minutes before the start of the match. The late participant receives a warning.
14.    All fights are held under the supervision of the referees.
15.    The break between fights is 3 minutes.

16.    Players take part in fights in the equipment of the characters that they have, except the prohibited items.

Rematch is carried out in the following cases:
17.    Use banned skills
18.    "Disconnections" from the game for less than 5 minutes

19.    The use of any errors (bugs) of the game and the program code in order to gain an advantage in the battles.
20.    The use of the third-party software (cheat engine, radar etc.)
21.    The use of positive and negative effects from third-party players.
22.    The use of all resurrection skills, items and their analogues.
23.    Guardian General transformation.
24.    Flying during the battle.
25.    The use of any DP-skills.
26.    The use any of the transformation candies.
27.    The use of profanity, insults to participants and / or referees and any actions that interfere with the conduct of fights.
28.    The use of spheres / crystals of recovery (3/5K HP/MP, 3/5K HP, 3/5K MP)
29.    The use of recovery potions (5K HP / MP)
30.    The use of the item "Fine Bracing Water"
31.    The use of all event items restoring HP, MP and removing debuffs. 
32.    The use of the "Leader's Recovery Scroll"
33.    The use of the "Brigade General's Liquid Courage"
34.    The following skills are banned in the fights within classes:

  • Ranger - Sleep Arrow I
  • Sorcerer - Somnolence I
  • Spiritmaster - Curse of Fire I (Elyos) and Curse of Water I (Asmo)
  • Assassin - Calming Whisper IV
  • Templar - Iron Skin I
  • Gladiator - Wall of Steel I
  • Chanter - Aetheric Field I (Asmo), Word of Spellstopping I (Elyos) and Word of Quickness I
  • Cleric - Immortal Shroud I

Disqualifications and disciplinary sanctions:
35.    If during the battle, any player has technical problems (disconnection from the game, a critical error) and the player does not return to the game within 5 minutes, a technical defeat is counted. Further, depending on the decision of the referees, the fight can be rematched or not. 
36.    In case, the player is caught in the deliberate use "disconnections" in order to obtain personal advantages (skill recharges and so on), this participant is subjected to disqualification on the decision of the judges.
37.    The violation of the points No.19 and 20 is followed by the disqualification from tournament.
38.    The violation of points No. 21 - 34, and also false start are followed by the warning and rematch
39.    Disqualification from the tournament is set after accumulating two warnings.
40.    In case of absence of the player for 5 minutes from the time fixed in the schedule as the beginning of the match, the participant receives technical defeat (TD).
41.    The resolution of any disputes regarding the application or non-application of the sanctions will be made at the discretion of the supervising and chief referees .
42.    The use of several characters by one player, the player will be disqualified from the tournament.  

Appeals consideration procedure
43.    If any player has any questions concerning the recently finished battle, a participant can set an immediate petition to the  referees about conducting investigations via game chat or discord.
44.    If during the fight one of the participants notices the performance the prohibited actions by the opponent, the fight must be brought to an end. Immediately after the end of the fight, the participant can apply to the referees for an investigation. According to the results of the investigation, the referees make a decision.
45.    The decision of the referee on any situation, including those not described in these rules, are final and are not subject to the further discussions.
46.    The discussion of the final decision on any situation made by the tournament referee is the reason for disqualification.
47.    Disqualification implies the immediate completion of the current game with the affixing of a technical defeat. In all the following games, the player also receives a technical defeat.

Equipment for participation:




You can use your own equipment, except the prohibited ones


  • Wings
  • Plumes
  • Governor's and commander's armor
  • Governor's and commander's weapon  

Each participant must have open information about the equipment.
It is PROHIBITED to close the information during the tournament! 


 Ignorance of the rules is no excuse!

The second stage of the tournament will be held on March, 1, 18 PM server time!

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TheAlmighty    1,151

Results of the 1st round of the tournament "The Greatest Master"


List of  winners:

  • Chanters- Keks
  • Spiritmasters- Degcube
  • Aethertechs- Senju
  • Rangers - Qinzz
  • Songweavers- Ambivalenz
  • Assassins- Gribouille
  • Templars - Nazukiie
  • Sorcerers - Vootan
  • Gladiators - Brokenblade
  • Gunslingers - Diio
  • Cletics - Rulai

The winners need to choose a reward and send this information in PM to one of the administrators or in our groups in social media.

We are very sorry for the flaws on our side. We will surely take note of them for the next events of this kind.

Thanks very much to the participants for following the rules and to the spectators for their honorouble behaviour.


Waiting for you tomorrow (01.03.2020) at 6 PM server time on the coliseums of the capitals!

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TheAlmighty    1,151

Tournament bracket for the second stage of the tournament: 


The player, who is not in the table, will participate in the next round. In case someone is not present on the tournament, the table will be changed.

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TheAlmighty    1,151


Congratulations to the winners!

1 winner - Ambivalenz
2 winner - Qinzz
3 winner - Degcube

Everyone of you deserves the title of the best player on the server, but the winner is only one. It is not that easy to reach the victory, but Ambivalenz did it!

Congratulating AMBIVALENZ with the title of the Greatest Master of EuroAion!

Thanks to all the players for participation and discipline!


Winners need to choose a prize and contact us in PM or in any social media group!

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