
Inventory slots

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Anxiety    16


As the title may elude to the suggestion at hand is inventory slots or inventory space. My understanding is that 126 slots are the max a player can reach as the last row is still locked. The suggestion is to simply either make it possible by quest or by the shop to unlock the last row of inventory making the max slots 135. One may ask why this is such a pressing issue and there are a numerous of answers to that question. The foremost one at least in my case is playing a class that requires that a vast amount of inventory gets dedicated to gears (see picture below). But it can also be an issue if you gather or ackumulate material for crafting or just simply have ended up hoarding to much items for various and debateable useful and useless reasons (like having 20 stacks of white dyes in wh....) either brought by the player on him or herself or by game codes. 

Best regards your local kleptomaniac cleric.


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