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Aion Process Abort automatically

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Belgarath    25

Hi, I have recently installed the game in the new pc, and now when I click on "Play" from the launcher after the anticheat check the image of aion appears and then the process is closed automatically. I have installed and reinstalled directx and everything that needs to be installed, among other things, the game on the official server starts without problems. Can you help me?

P.s: I have attach video


2021-10-25 11-33-03.mkv

Edited by Belgarath

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Christof    73

Hey @Belgarath,

When the game stops, can you check the log(file) from the euroaion folder and paste it here, it will be easy to detect what's causing it to crash.

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Belgarath    25
18 minutes ago, Christof said:

Hey @Belgarath,

When the game stops, can you check the log(file) from the euroaion folder and paste it here, it will be easy to detect what's causing it to crash.

Ok, done...



Edited by Belgarath

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Belgarath    25
1 hour ago, Christof said:

Hey @Belgarath,

When the game stops, can you check the log(file) from the euroaion folder and paste it here, it will be easy to detect what's causing it to crash.

@Christof help me pls?? ^^


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NancyFox    223

Good day.
The keyword is "the game is being launched on the official server". Look for a program that blocks the launch of our game client. It can be a small utility running on your PC. Look for her connection with the launch of the official client. Usually such programs remain in the processes even after you exit the game and they block the launch of other versions of the game Aion.

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Belgarath    25
On 26/10/2021 at 10:49 AM, NancyFox said:

Good day.
The keyword is "the game is being launched on the official server". Look for a program that blocks the launch of our game client. It can be a small utility running on your PC. Look for her connection with the launch of the official client. Usually such programs remain in the processes even after you exit the game and they block the launch of other versions of the game Aion.

I have tried to do everything you have advised me but I have not solved anything. The game still does not start, both 32 and 64 bit ... I don't know what to do anymore, I also re-downloaded the game.


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Belgarath    25

At the start of the process under the heading Aion comes out "Werfault" and then automatically the process is closed. Do you know how to prevent it from being closed?

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