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Asmodian gunner auto killing mobs

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TheAlmighty    1,135


It is very hard to judje on these videos. The player doesn't do anything circled, plus he is running and jumping. Also when you appeared in from of him from hide, the player started running from you. Therefore we cannot take any actions as not being sure of the actions of the player. 

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Alexwooster    1
16 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


It is very hard to judje on these videos. The player doesn't do anything circled, plus he is running and jumping. Also when you appeared in from of him from hide, the player started running from you. Therefore we cannot take any actions as not being sure of the actions of the player. 

Do normal players really run and jump like this?

Isn’t it obvious?Only find the mobs to kill,and Bypassing other mobs by script settings..

why i appered from hide..bcoz he is stuck in front of the mobs~then i should know if he was a java~you meant i should not kill the mobs in front of him then let him countinue to auto kill the mobs but stucked?...

Edited by Alexwooster

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Alexwooster    1
16 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


It is very hard to judje on these videos. The player doesn't do anything circled, plus he is running and jumping. Also when you appeared in from of him from hide, the player started running from you. Therefore we cannot take any actions as not being sure of the actions of the player. 

Ok~as you told me ~i will hide for a longer time~that will record the longer video~collect more videos.

You considerd the evidence is not enough but over 20 players in this server consider this is obvious java ~

thx for replying~

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TheAlmighty    1,135
2 hours ago, Alexwooster said:

Ok~as you told me ~i will hide for a longer time~that will record the longer video~collect more videos.

You considerd the evidence is not enough but over 20 players in this server consider this is obvious java ~

thx for replying~

We haven't received any other reports on this player, not even one more.

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Alexwooster    1
1 hour ago, TheAlmighty said:

We haven't received any other reports on this player, not even one more.

Bcoz all Chinese cant log your website didnt you know?they should use VPN so my legion players all support me to report here! and i will countinue to add some evidence here!

Auto kill mobs again.mp4

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So  these video show this man's action is reasonable?  A more than 2 years old person can play this game like him?  To be honest, Put some millet on the keyboard, find a chicken can solo and kill him. 

You say you cannot take any actions as not being sure of the actions of the player. I could think using this kind of Automatic play monster script is allowable and have no punishment?

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TheAlmighty    1,135


No bots are allowed on the serever, however the video provided doesn't prove to us anything. We see the player running, jumping and killing the monsters. As soon as he sees the other player of the other faction he runs away. 

I'm sorry if you're not happy with the decision, but we never ban anyone unless we are sure about the violation by 100%. 


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