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You Have been disconnected from the server

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Hey everytime i try logging to server i get the error messege " you have been disconnected from the server" or "Cannot connect to authorization server" i tried this with 3 different vpns and without a vpn i also tried restarting router restarting pc and delte and redownload game still same issue, this problem started yesterday but before that everything worked all nice, what should i do? 

This happens on login screen when i put account info, i cant enter the game

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TheAlmighty    1,140


Please, try adding the game and the launcher in the exclusions of all your antimalware programs (firewalls and anti viruses).

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hello, i tried this also and it didnt work, i clean resetted my pc and now i can login sometimes and sometimes no , but the ping is unstable and it spikes alot when i loginThis happens on login screen when i put account info, i cant enter the game



hello, i tried this also and it didnt work, i clean resetted my pc and now i can login sometimes and sometimes no , but the ping is unstable and it spikes alot up to 150-170 when i login i use exit lag


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@TheAlmightyi have tried @Twinsb method and now i can login the server, and i stay online max 20 minutes, i test ping and i have like usual 60-65 but every 1 minute it spikes up randomly to 3000-5000, and after this i just get disconnect from serv, i hope this information can help you find the problem, thank you for your time

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TheAlmighty    1,140
18 hours ago, sadadsadsdsa said:

@TheAlmightyi have tried @Twinsb method and now i can login the server, and i stay online max 20 minutes, i test ping and i have like usual 60-65 but every 1 minute it spikes up randomly to 3000-5000, and after this i just get disconnect from serv, i hope this information can help you find the problem, thank you for your time


As the problem is not massive, there's nothing depending on us. Does the problem persist if you try to play without exit lag?

We can try to find where the issue is occuring. Please, do the checking with Pingplotter program.
1) Download the program from:
2) Start the program
3) Enter the following address in the textbox saying "enter target name or IP" -
4) Start the game as usual and wait for the ping spike.
5) After the spike, take a screenshot of the program (will be the best if you open it fullscreen before taking a screenshot).

Aftre that, please, do the same with the address, providing another screenshot for this test. 

Thank you.

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