
[Works] From your Valentine...

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TheAlmighty    1,150

Hello, dear players!

This topic is only for the screenshots for the competition From your Valentine...

Every participant must publish:



  • Screenshots and festive videos from the game must be made on our server Euroaion specifically for the competition "From your Valentine..." and must be placed in the topic for the works;
  • all works must correspond to the Saint Valentine's Day theme, as well as to the topic of the game "Aion" and server "Euroaion 4.6";
  • all works must have Euroaion logo or name. The works in the category "handmade" must have the logo/name of the server on the work itself (it is allowed to add a card with the name);
  • photoshop processing is allowed;
  • one player can post only one work for each category;
  • the works must be placed un the SPOILER (eye symbol in the formating menu);
  • the screenshots must be made without the interface (can be hidden in game by pressing F12 button on the keyboard);
  • the number of players in one screenhsot is not limited;
  • the use of profane/vulgar language is prohibited;
  • it is prohibited to use other people's works! Those caught in plagiarism or violation of the competition requirements will be disqualified;
  • handmade works must be supported by the evidence of the production process.
  • the use of AI for the category “Handmade” is prohibited.

By placing your works for participation you automatically grant your permission to the Administration of the project for the future use of the materials (for topics/messages/other in the media of the server);


                                 Тема для приёма работ по конкурсу Твой Валентин...

При публикации работы необходимо указать:
- Имя персонажа;
- Категорию участия.


  • Скриншоты и игровые праздничные видео должны быть сняты на нашем сервере Euroaion специально для конкурса "Новогодние моменты" и размещены в теме для конкурсных работ;
  • все работы должны соответствовать теме "День Святого Валентина", а также теме игры "Айон" и серверу "Euroaion 4.6";
  • На работах обязательно должен присутствовать логотип или название сервера Euroaion; В категории "хендмейд" названии должно присутствовать на самой работе (можно приложить карточку с названием).
  • Разрешается обработка в редакторах типа Adobe Photoshop;
  • Один игрок может разместить только одну работу в каждой категории;
  • Работы в тему размещать в строго в СПОЙЛЕР (значок глаза в меню сообщения);
  • Скриншоты следует оформлять без интерфейса (интерфейс скрывается кнопкой F12);
  • Ограничения по количеству персонажей на скриншоте нет;
  • Запрещено использование ненормативной лексики;
  • Запрещено использовать чужие работы! Уличенные в плагиате или нарушении требований к конкурсу будут дисквалифицированы.;
  • Работы в категории Хэндмейд должны быть сопровождены фото/видео процесса изготовления.

Размещая свои работы в теме для участия в конкурсе, участники тем самым дают разрешение Администрации на дальнейшее использование размещенных работ в целях оформления тем/сообщений на информационных ресурсах сервера Euroaion;

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Qmops    6


- Qmopsyatski
- Screenshot


Edited by Qmops
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Ogara    30

Ник: Ogara
Категория: Скриншоты




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Qmops    6


Nickname: Qmopsyatski

Category: Festive video from the game

Sorry for watermark :c





Edited by Qmops
Я кое-что подправил в своей работе. Хотел поменять ссылку, вот только не смог отредактировать. Пришлось отправить новое сообщение. Прошлое сообщение - пустышка
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Melizé    221


Category:Festive video from the game




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Melizé    221

Nickname: Meleze

Category: handmade








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Rin    10

Nickname: Rinrii

Category: Handmade







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Haiky    17

Nickname: Badvibe 

Category: screenshot/collage










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Casteel    79

Nickname: Lavya

Category: Handmade






Edited by Casteel
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ame    10

Nickname: Amaiy

Category: Handmade








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Dragomir    49

Nickname: Encantador
Category: handmade


Hi there!

I’m excited to present special Valentine’s Day crossword puzzle set in the world of Aion! Designed with the heartwarming theme of “Love is…” and styled as a touching handwritten letter-envelope, this crossword aims to capture the sweetest and most unforgettable moments of playing together with your loved one. This puzzle is crafted to bring you warmth and joy during this romantic holiday. I hope that solving this crossword will be a delightful experience for you! <3

P.S. For your convenience, cells with the same letters are marked with the same color :3








Love is… creating matching (1), because sharing the same look means we have a special connection!

Love is… saving a (2) for me in the alliance, because we’re a team!

Love is… always having my back in (3), because even in the heat of battle I know I can rely on you. Thanks for protecting me!

Love is… sharing our most (4) tactics and places, because you trust me, and I trust you! Thank you for opening up to me and trusting me!

Love is… never laughing at my silly (5), but patiently resurrecting me, even if I’ve fallen into the lava for the hundredth time. I appreciate your patience!

Love is… putting up with my delays because of my bad (6), and waiting for me at the portal to go to the dungeon together. Thanks for understanding!

Love is… always willing to help with tedious (7), because together even the most boring work turns into a fun adventure. Thanks for the company!

Love is… not abandoning when I get stuck in (8), but patiently looking for a way to get me out of there. Thanks for your support

Love is… accepting my weird gaming (9), because you know it makes me happy. Thanks for your understanding and acceptance!

Love is… sharing your rarest (10) and  (11) reserves with me, because you know how much I love crafting, and you always support my passion. Thanks for your generosity and for supporting my goals!

Love is… being willing to (12) things for me that I can’t buy, because you’re always ready to use your skills to help me get what I need, even if it’s rare or difficult to get. Thanks for being so skilled and supportive!

Love is… doing (13) together with me, because with you even the most difficult events seem interesting and fun! Thanks for always supporting my ideas and for your creativity!

Love is… simply existing in my life, because with you (14) becomes not just a game, but a real world full of love, friendship, support, and fun. Thank you for being there!

Crossword grid:





1 characters 2 spot 3 sieges 4 secret 5 deaths 6 internet 7 quests 8 textures 9 habits 10 resources 11 ether 12 craft 13 events 14 aion




Edited by Dragomir
unnecessary info about race
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Cat    6

Nickname: Mantrabtch

Category: Screenshot/Collage



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