Gallas 18 Posted October 26, 2024 Hello, I have opened a topic about this subject before, but it has been a long time, I think it is time to ask again, maybe this time I can convince you that it is a suitable topic for evaluation.As you know, playing melee classes on this server can be really torturous sometimes.I'm a melee class player too, but in fact its not affecting the only melee classes.Ping synchronization between the server and the player or position calculating parameters such as do not work stably enough on this server. This is not a problem during a static battle, but in battles that take place while moving (running which covers almost all of pvp), every player is victimized independently of player-based factors such as ping and FPS. I am an assassin class player, I have a 2 meter attack range but mostly I can't hit while im running even when I get inside the opponent (0 meters) I always get the "target too far away" message (a.k.a. out of range bug). As I said, this synchronization conflict affects every player/class. However, the players who suffer the most from this situation are undoubtedly the melee classes. Weapons such as Polearm and Greatsword provide an attack range of 3 meters. I also have a Gladiator class character, I am exposed to this bug less than the assassin (due to the 1 meter difference) but still the hitting mechanics while running are not as stable as they should be. Apart from melee classes, ranged classes are also exposed to this bug. Their skills that they can hit from 25 meters cannot hit from 23,22 or even 20 meters due to this bug.However, the reason why this situation affects melee classes the most is that ranged players still have the opportunity to hit by getting a few meters closer.But what exactly should I do as an assassin player when I can't even hit from 0 meters? Or what can any other melee class player do in such a situation? When we can't even hit from 0 meters, we don't have any options.The problem is not limited to this. Yes, we can use Extend, but this means a PvP attack loss of 16% for the assassin. (other classes can still have the same pvp attack stat because of weapon fusion but sadly thanks to dual wielding assassins can't have extends with pvp attack stat) I have played many melee and ranged classes on retail and many private servers that I won't name. Yes, Euro Aion is a retail-like server, I am completely at peace with that. But the combat mechanics and fluidity were not this unstable even in retail.I have been playing on this server for over 4 years, I must say that during this time I have played, very good players have come and quit. Most PvP players complain about the mechanics.And we lost too many players because of that. If we think about it, how many PvP assassin players can we see on a server with so many online players? (Of course there are, but less than the fingers of one hand)Do you think this is due to the players' preference or the class cant being played effectively enough here? I think you are clearly behind the rival servers in this regard. As a player who loves this server and enjoys playing, I want you to at least create a more comfortable area for us in this regard.I can send some videos about playing melee class at here as an assassin, with includes my FPS and ping values.Maybe you can see a bit clearly how fight mechanics are stuck in melee, and how I am suffering from this bug that much and painful to play.I have 41-47ms here and with that ping, any kind of game leads a comfortable and stable gameplay (i mean whole of games not only aion).Please consider this as a change in QoL (quality of life) rather than a departure from the retail gaming experience logic.I kindly request you to make an improvement for my suggestions on this matter. Best regards. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Veda 147 Posted October 27, 2024 Hello. All mechanics are official and are not subject to change. The problem described by you is, as you have already said yourself, in the ping (ping) from the player to the server. Also, can affect the work of the disc on which the game is located - if the game will be on SSD, the processing of resources will be much faster. To minimise this drawback of the game we advise you to reduce the ping to the server, make sure that the internet is stable and not subject to spikes and move the game to a fast SSD or M2. There are no other solutions for this game and the method is universal for all servers that run on the official (retail) build. Translated with (free version) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites