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Starter Daevanion armor category changing

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Dexxi    0

Hello. I have a question. I play on cleric, 20 lvl. And I looked on, how chain armor looks, and it looks disgusting for my character. I looked on cloth too, on other character and it looks kinda cool. So... Is there a way of switching category of starter Daevanion armor? NPC called Sibylla don't want to pass me through selecting type of armor (boots ect.). I have Daevanion Light, but still nothing happens. No message, no nothing...

PS. Sorry for my grammar, I'm bad in English

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Christof    73

Hello @Dexxi
We can make a refund in this case. 

For this follow the instructions: 
Throw away the wrong item and provide the screenshot.
The screenshot must contain character nickname, ranking of ALL players or legions (abyss ranking list, NOT your OWN ranking), and server time (for this put the mouse on the small moon/sun near the navigating map).
The chat on the screenshot must write: "You have discarded [the item]"

Send me all of this info by a private message here in the forum.

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TheAlmighty    1,145


Are we talking about the starting gear? It has the same appearance on all the gear types, there are no differences between it's look on chain, cloth, plate, leather. 

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Dexxi    0


6 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


Are we talking about the starting gear? It has the same appearance on all the gear types, there are no differences between it's look on chain, cloth, plate, leather. 

Yes, I know. But I'm a fan of changing appearance of items to Elyos Elite Soldier items or something like that and basically its chain, so when i want to swap, npc shows me error


12 hours ago, Budixx said:

Hello @Dexxi
We can make a refund in this case. 

For this follow the instructions: 
Throw away the wrong item and provide the screenshot.
The screenshot must contain character nickname, ranking of ALL players or legions (abyss ranking list, NOT your OWN ranking), and server time (for this put the mouse on the small moon/sun near the navigating map).
The chat on the screenshot must write: "You have discarded [the item]"

Send me all of this info by a private message here in the forum.

Uhh, Im kinda afraid of throwing away my only good armor, isn't it possible for you to delete chain items from my eq and give the cloth ones into my eq? I speak about starter ones, you know... For 10 lvl...

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Christof    73

If you wanna change the gear you should send me all the information I asked for my private messages here.

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