
Socketing here....

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lastyle16    0 the worst thing i ever seen!  I started playing Aion on Gameforge patch 3.5 but something like that i never seen before..120 manastones for Weapon and only fails??? wtf?? I can understand that u need money for paying server and so on and so far...but ..make Socketing box cheaper guys if u dont wanna loose players^^..For me this is gonna be a pay to win server...and that is not the best way to get or hold players here^^  think about^^

Edited by lastyle16

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Solemax    1

see it as "lastyle16". Something has to change, otherwise the players will run away. Many of our friends are already thinking about stopping.
(Translated by Google)

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Satanael    1

Maybe you dont remember but this is normal ratio. It's nothing new that you cant socket whole weapon, and that why there are 100% socket items. They are even more cheaper here than on gf. Maybe ethernal/mithical 100% socketing box should cost 10 coins (Even still there will be players that will be yelling that this is still too high price). It's like campaign q in sarpan that you need to drop one item. On eu was players that needed whole day to get that. Same with socketing, buy 100% socket box or just you need luck with rng :v. 

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lastyle16    0

be sure i remember..something like this i have never seen befor^^ and i know what im talking about m8^^..i have tryed to socketing 2 pieces( cuz i dont have more)...allways fail^^ ..i played on GF thor and the english one ( dont remember name of server now..sry)..and a lot of privat server  including Aion Legend^^ but something like this...not really^^ sry


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Satanael    1

Well... after socked some parts and I dont see diffrence. I think you have no luck. :(

Edited by Satanael

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Solemax    1

The socket rate isn´t the same as on the officially server. The drop rate was also better then here. 

The price from the socket items is to expensive for a private server. For a complete holy gear you must pay 100 Euro. 

Edited by Solemax
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Teefixo    1
1 hour ago, Solemax said:

The socket rate isn´t the same as on the officially server. The drop rate was also better then here. 

Yes you are right. I played on the officially server since beginning and i hadn´t this problems like here.

I hope it will be better,  because i don´t want to buy socket items or similar things on a private server. I want to play "play to win" and not "pay to win". :|


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TheAlmighty    1,084


As  you say you also played other private servers which do have higher rates for socketing manastones.

Many players still put manastones in their gear without anything, just by themselves. Don't spend all the stones right away, try to do it slowly. It is random system.

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Haku    29

I've socketed 3-6 parts of gear on 2 different characters so far, the rate seems the same as on retail - complete rng. Once needed only 7 stones, other times 50-200. Granted, I am socketing white stones, but I also would not start socketing anything without a huge pile (that's just how I've always done it). You can buy supplements in game (camps) or ecoins/100%s from other players if you would rather go that route (more expensive per stone, but it's a 100% guaranteed socket), personally I socketed 2 stones w/o supps, 3 with normal supps and last stone with 100% on retail.

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dmorse    1

I played only on main NA server for several years and feel our current failure rate on manastones is pretty high compared to then.

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