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[Event] Beritra Treasures

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Veda    147


Beritra treasures awaiting you!

Beritra Legions were moving the treasures of their lord,
but in a hurry they lost a lot of chests on the roads of Danaria.
Now imagine what can be found among these treasures...



On the paths of Danaria one can find chests with rewards.
They are scattered all around the location and for finding them you will have to walk around.


The chests can be found here, they appear in random spots:


No key is needed to open the chests.

From the chest you can obtain:

  • Tempering Solution
  • Enchantment Stone Lv.90
  • Enchantment Stone Lv.100
  • Enchantment Stone Lv.110
  • Enchantment Stone Lv.120
  • Manastone Pouch  (Green Manastones Lv.60)
  • Stigma shards 100pcs (100%
  • Power Shard: +50  (100%

Changes will be available in game from 13.05 to 22.05 inclusive 

Thank you for attention and have great time in game!

Dear Players.
We listened to your opinions about the event and made some changes.
The number of chests has been increased.
The chances of dropping valuable items have been increased.
The HP of the chests has been changed.

Now chests spawn in the zones:
The event has been extended to 26.05 inclusive.

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Velocidad    4

Please just return the event to its former glory with chests scattered throughout Danaria

Edited by Velocidad

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Ellowain    78
1 hour ago, Velocidad said:

Please just return the event to its former glory with chests scattered throughout Danaria

Former glory? What are you talking about? There are no changes.

This event is copy-pasted and re-uploaded every year.

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Knox    3

In my opinion this event is the least attractive of all, not only is it boring and tiring but it is very complicated to get a good reward. I spent two hours turning in circles in the area to barely be able to get 2 chest of which I only got two l100 , the pvp is not good is annoying, doing pvp to be able to keep the chest is useless , besides dealing with the players of the opposite side you also have to deal with the players of the same side. The point is that it requires a lot of time for probably nothing . It does not motivate the pvp nor the system of how the chests are distributed, and all that makes even some classes are at a disadvantage as I notice how the assassin class abounds, poor bards or sorcers that take a long time to break the chest to steal it on top of that. Because that is another point against the system of giving 1 point hits is horrible. It is not even at all and as I said before it is a waste of time. And to close, I think it's time to bring new things to the server, every year is the same to the point that players prepare to take advantage of the events that are worthwhile and then leave. People want new things, they want new content and I'm not just talking about skins, if this continues with the same monotony as always the server will end with half of the current players. Make the game attractive. I think I speak for many when I say it's time to innovate. Thanks 

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I would agree with others that it is kinda boring. You just run around and most of the time you can find 1 box in an hour and probably it won't have anything inside. There are zergs running around looking for boxes, sins and rangers in hide everywhere camping the boxes(Something that I also started doing with my alt because it makes sense). I can't do this solo with my main because there is always a sin that will kill the box faster then 2 regular classes, let alone 1. The reward is just not worth the grind imo. What I would change ->   1. Lower the respawn time of boxes by double at least. 2. Boxes take regular damage and have certain amount of HP.  3. Expand the area a bit so we don't have so many zergs.
Also if possible prevent empty boxes, there is nothing more annoying then opening an empty box. Make 1 thing 100% drop like l100, its not a big deal imo.

Edited by SpinForTheWin
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mostafa76    11

useless event with very low drop rate, at least make it possible to spawn boxes in katalam too because having too many groups in one area is ridiculously stupid not to mention being not be able to get a proper loot, it is a total waste of time.

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TheAlmighty    1,151

Dear Players.
We listened to your opinions about the event and made some changes.
The number of chests has been increased.
The chances of dropping valuable items have been increased.
The HP of the chests has been changed.
Now chests spawn in the zones:



The event has been extended to 26.05 inclusive.

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Mrcnt    1

Big thumb up for listening, good changes although the boxes could have a bit more hp in my opinion 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Mrcnt
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Knox    3

Muchas gracias por escuchar a los jugadores, se nota la mejora en el evento. 

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