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Disabling donation methods.

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TheAlmighty    1,102

Hello, dear players!


We inform you in advance about the upcoming changes in the donation system.

From February, 9 2021 the method 1 (UnitPay) of donation will be fully disabled!

The reason is on the side of the payment system. They apply new changes and conditions which we can't meet.

We are now working on finding alternative variants of donation. For now we can't say what they will be, as well as when they will be added.

Probably for some time we will only have the method 2 (Enot). However, to to completely fair, it doesn't function well. Meaning that it causes delays in transactions, doesn't provide good support and regularly declines transactions from different countries.

We hope that we will be able to find and implement alternative ways of donation before UnitPay is disabled. For now, we recommend you to look through the following topic, containing information about such donation variants as AdvCash and cryptocurrency, which are available all over the world:


Thank you for attention and enjoy the game!

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manyfazed    2

I hope you find alternative way as Method1 is the only option that works for me /and probably not just me/..

Edited by manyfazed

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Chusheen    45

Feetpics, organs are my offer or headpats for Almightys cat ♡

Edited by Chusheen

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