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Cursor blinks

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zcpplayer    7

Hello guys, my  corsor in the game is blinking when i move it. Does someone have the same problem as me ? its not unplayable but very anoying..

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TheAlmighty    1,151


This may hapen due to the newer NVIDIA drivers, terefore you can try downgrading them. You need 459 or 457 version.

In case the problem is not in your graphic card, it may be caused by the overlays of some ther programs that you use (teamspeak, discord and other). Try to disable all overlays and check if it helps.

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zcpplayer    7

ty for fast reply and yes that was the problem. I installed newest nvidia drivers. 500+ smthing and i rolled  them back to 430.X im fine now, ty : ) 

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Hello, I've got the same issue; I will try reinstalling the older drivers-although, is there any chance this will be fixed to support the latest drivers perhaps? As playing with the flashing cursor also makes the game freeze. If I'm moving my cursor around, it literally makes the game freeze if I do it fast enough. It starts after about an hour of being in-game, at least in my case. I just like to keep all of my things up to date, so this is slightly annoying, although I have seen another service I use crash and mentioning the Nvidia drivers... So perhaps it is possibly their fault, not yours?



Edited by Darksorcerer

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Itry    0

I got the same problem, even rolling back to the oldest driver doesnt fix the problem (i got an 3060TI),

Aion also starts to fill up the "non paged pool" of my ram (i created a seperate threat for this topic)

Its sad that it worked flawless on my old hardware and i cant rly play it on my brand new pc :(. Like u said its about an hour and it starts lagging when you move the mouse. If you dont use the mouse though you can play without any problems :D

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Asseo    1

Hello, the problem is still present despite several updates from Nvidia, I do not want to downgrade my version because some of my games need these updates.

It would be more than good if you finally fix the problem, some people say it's not unplayable, but if, it's unplayable, after about 1 hour the cursor blinks so much that the game freezes as soon as we move the cursor.

The brobleme has been here for several months, some people can't play anymore, finally please do something to fix the problem!

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Aisora    4

Hallo, the problem is still out there. I got a GTX 3060 and win 11, and the curser blinks while moving the mouse. I tried to find older triber for the GPU and installed some old ones and it didnt help. Closed the NVIDIAContainer, tried to open only the game and nothing else, i have no overwolf installed and nothing seems to help. Any ideas what else to try?

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sophisticated    241
9 часов назад, Aisora сказал:

Hallo, the problem is still out there. I got a GTX 3060 and win 11, and the curser blinks while moving the mouse. I tried to find older triber for the GPU and installed some old ones and it didnt help. Closed the NVIDIAContainer, tried to open only the game and nothing else, i have no overwolf installed and nothing seems to help. Any ideas what else to try?


Try out this one :

1.  Press "Windows + R"

3. Text "msconfig"

4. Open System Configuration as Administrator 

5. Select "General" - "Startup Selection" - "Normal Startup" - press Apply.

6. Reboot your PC

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Aisora    4

Problem solved. download the driver 459, 457 456.38 for you GPU and make sure to put the right refresh rate after you installed the driver.

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