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Ever since the auto-in update, it takes forever to get into EOB and Kamar if you are playing solo. It takes at least 30 minutes to pop and if it pops, the group will be filled with AFK players. This is a waste of time. 


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The wait time for this kind of instance should be no more than 5 minutes. If there's no opponent after the wait time, it should be an auto-win. Not all players have the time to waste and some of us are working individuals. This kind of waiting time discourages players from playing and supporting the server. 

45 minutes of waiting is just ridiculous!



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Booblik    132
14 минут назад, quietstorm08 сказал:

The wait time for this kind of instance should be no more than 5 minutes. If there's no opponent after the wait time, it should be an auto-win. Not all players have the time to waste and some of us are working individuals. This kind of waiting time discourages players from playing and supporting the server. 

45 minutes of waiting is just ridiculous!



If there is no enemy for a long time, refuse and go to work. You are not forced to visit all battlegrounds.
But it shouldn’t launch with automatic victory. Until there are 24 people on both sides, there will be no entry. Never had it happen that I waited 5 minutes and threw in as much as I had.

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TheAlmighty    1,151


This has nothing to do with the automatic entry. We did not even touch the system of application. 
If there's no enemy or a group for you, you won't get the entry even with the button. 

The problem is that you're applying while there's no one else interested in this battleground. Most probably you're applying in the very end of application time, when everyone else has already finished their runs. + note that there are less players duing the day, rather than during the evening. 

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Windy    41
14 hours ago, quietstorm08 said:

Ever since the auto-in update, it takes forever to get into EOB and Kamar if you are playing solo. It takes at least 30 minutes to pop and if it pops, the group will be filled with AFK players. This is a waste of time. 


Going without a premade group and complaining about waste of time LOL

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