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Cleric D. Heal


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Hello guys,

in my opinion we need more stigma shards ingame. As a cleric I want to play on heal, hybrid and dmg but it costs too much stigma shards...

I know that it is impossible to delete it from game but can you please send stigma-shards like the panda-candies?

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TheAlmighty    1,151


There have already been many discussions about stigma shards and the answer is: it is part of the game and it is not supposed to be easily obtainable. On the other hand, there are locations where you can farm quite a lot of stigma shards. 


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Where can I farm stigma shards?

On retail all players had to farm a gold packet for veteran-status. Here you can get it for free. Also candies weren't so easy to get. You changed both and it is now better than retail. So I don't understand your answer. In that case you have to delete all veteran-status and don't give us candies anymore.

It's really unfair for clerics to change stigmas. The class needs too much stigma shards compared to others.

Make it better than retail - please!

Edited by Cleric D. Heal

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Lovebird    12

On retail there were BOTS that dealt with lowering the price and increasing the amount of stigma shards available; those are not present here. This creates a large problem, as stigma shard prices are quite high simply for changing skills, something that shouldn't (and wasn't, on retail) be a second thought. There needs to be a change.

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Zaveidl    3

It's very very unfair. Because of that those shards were deleted in future updates. Sending shards like pandas won't unbalance the game in any aspect. In fact, it will make the game even more fun since we'll be able to change builds often to run instances as dps or healer and even to solo pvp. That said, I would suggest you to think a little more about it TheAlmighty. Best regards!

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I don't understand the euroaion-admins. Lots of people are complaining but they ignore our wishes... (the stigma-shard-wish shouldn't be a big deal for them) O.o

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Lynnn    5

Dont waste your time i was playing on this server few Months ago. And i open a thread same as you do about Stigma shards. 

I was Cleric main and its not possbile to switch all day between Heal and DMG or like PVP Build. 

I mean im looking week by week how the server is going. And from 2k+ Players to 1k players say something.

Edited by Lynnn

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Blackwall    16

Don't be such a negative nancy, mate. Players peaked at 1.700-ish today and it's a Sunday so they are obviously lower than, say, a Friday or Saturday. Plus everyone knows online player counts always tank during summer (for obvious reasons). But that's all a tad off topic.

Regarding the topic: Yes, we do need more stigma shards. Even if you do all 30 daily 1000-shards-quests (and the unlimited weekly ones for 500, obviously) from Tiamaranta hearts you run out sooner or later. And that's not just a cleric problem. I mostly skip serious PvP instances (like IWW, EOB or Kamar) as a Sorc because I know I'm gonna do PvE with my mates later in the evening and don't want to buy shards every 2 days. That's a bummer since I like PvP.

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Naydraug    4

He is more realistic than negative though. You do realize it is still summer?

Regardless because of the stigma shard topic, I decided to never swap from DPS to support because it is just hilarious how much it would cost me doing so.

It feels like the staff of this server never played Aion, kinda feels like most official MMORPG games, but I mean they are the ones who want to RP to be 100% like an official server. I guess they achieved it, period.

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Lovebird    12

Frankly shards should be free. Switching stigmas shouldn't be a factor. It's a quality of life change, since you guys can't seem to come up with a solution to regulate shards like on retail. A huge part of Aion is the skill customization/builds, and you can't even do that here because of the cost; that's not okay.

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