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Stop act like a retail server ( Many suggestion )

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DevWolx    62

Is it possible to modify the GP gain in sieges to for example make it that when you are in alliances/leagues you get more contribution and GP than being solo/duo/group or maybe a more simple way is to remove GP gain for when you are solo or in a group (like a condition or flag that the game/server detects) and buff the gain of GP considerably when you are in alliance so that it matches the previous gain as a group.

Maybe there's other solutions, don't know if it actually possible to modify it in the code or server files or something. But I think there's need to be a way to make people stop being selfish and going solo or duo or group for max contributions and GP gain. The main fantasy of sieges is to work as a faction to capture or defend forts. And contribution should only be calculated in alliances, as how much you helped the faction, damage on objectives (gates, bosses, enemy players etc...) and for the classes that heal I think healing counts on gates, bosses and allies. So that the rewards should be given fairly to the people that contributed the most for the faction and will probably get more people on the actual siege.

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Razoroses    6
3 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


No, we are not going to add more arena ticket or entrances, because it will be too much rewards. Only with cutting glory points.

if u wana keep pvp ranks only achivable by doing pve its fine just cut honor points off arenas then but let us pvp open world is not fair to run around ganking low geared players doing camps is just not fun for either side geared and undergeared players i get that some players pve´d there way to general rank and now having to actually pvp for there PVP rank is scary so cutting honor points of the arenas would please the pve heros  and would make pvpers happy to pvp

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Naydraug    4

I completely forgot about this... on retail once there was the owpvp event. And the people with most kills got this dragon fire whatever weapon skin. If only that was a constant thing on this server with the same skin or different rewards, anything that makes the people think it is worth moving out of the city.

open world that time on retail was more active than the old ncsoft times I swear.

Edited by Naydraug
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TheAlmighty    1,084

Unfortunately, we are still not going to add additional entrances and we can't just cut the rewards as many players won't be satisfied with this. Many arena extrances get spoilt and even more will be with more entrances -> more complaints about missing the reward.

It is impossible to make events with kill quests for us right away, but after some discussion we came up with the following:
There are quests for kills in the camps, and they work exactly that way - get kills and receive a reward. And they get abused. Making same quests will lead to the same result even with better rewards.

We are thinking on something else now, and maybe we will launch some new event (based on pvp) in the nearest future. 

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Naydraug    4

the dragon fire whatever event on retail was not a quest, we did not even see the track of progression. The results were just published at the end of the event and each specific class with highest kill count during event time received the best reward.

it is just like your "top players" window, we as players would not be able to see that kind of information if you did not provide it. Do the same for open world pvp and it would be better, even  without providing information.

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Quas    4
4 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

Unfortunately, we are still not going to add additional entrances and we can't just cut the rewards as many players won't be satisfied with this. Many arena extrances get spoilt and even more will be with more entrances -> more complaints about missing the reward.

It is impossible to make events with kill quests for us right away, but after some discussion we came up with the following:
There are quests for kills in the camps, and they work exactly that way - get kills and receive a reward. And they get abused. Making same quests will lead to the same result even with better rewards.

We are thinking on something else now, and maybe we will launch some new event (based on pvp) in the nearest future. 

But why dont you add additional entrys? Is there any specific reasons or are you (the admins) just not in the mood for it. People have been asking for it forever now and you still refuse to do it without proper reasoning.

So for the quests you basiclly said "it would be too much work for us and it would be "abused".
First of alle just make it ALOT of kills and weekly that reduces the abuse alot.
Secound, you release PvE Events that can be "abused" aswell and that is not a problem so why bother with the quests? And yes i consinder running steel rake with 10 different chars that just run through and kill key mobs every day as some kind of abuse.

"maybe" and "nearest future" do not sound too promising but i guess we just hope for the best for now.

Just like naydraug said that event would be a great start, but thats a event from like 4.8 so you are not able to implement that either I guess with the server build you have...


I just want to say all these people here that write forum threads and give suggestions, even if they sound rough sometimes, want the server to be ALIVE and not dead or back to 700 players in the next couple of months (just like the Admin Team i hope). People are just getting frustrated about how stuff is going right now.


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TheAlmighty    1,084
2 minutes ago, Quas said:

But why dont you add additional entrys? Is there any specific reasons or are you (the admins) just not in the mood for it. People have been asking for it forever now and you still refuse to do it without proper reasoning.

This question was already replied here. Because then it will mean cutting off the rewards.

3 minutes ago, Quas said:

So for the quests you basiclly said "it would be too much work for us and it would be "abused".

I basically said what i said. If it was possble, it would have already been in the game. But even if it was, it would still be abused.

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