
recharger timing + wyvern candys

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Slideshow    2

The server is stuck , people full gear or just half geared permanently afk in sarpan with this useless recharger bugged , since you guys dont wanna implement 4.75 or 4.8, is it possible to shift your focus on fixing recharger ? Atleast a major group of players, can do their hours in game doing what they like,  dueling instead of afking all the time, personally im just logging randomly now, for random sieges and afking in sarpan, once you reach end game level this became so boring. My suggestions are:

1. Extend recharger timings , even all the day , i dont undestand why just couple hours per day (fix all the skills and remove DP stuff so the player wont abuse it).

2. put these wyvern candy, this server is full of pandas, i cant even spend my ecoins for skins because all that stuff is invisible , is that hard for you to atleast put 1 MORE TYPE of candy in the shop ? These candys ARE FROM 4.6. item:160010204

Thanks for reading , hope to receive atleast a reply, even a fake answer, since seems you guys just watching it and discart topics 


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TheAlmighty    1,084


We cannot extend recharges hours to alll day, as then many players will miss most of the game activities (especially sieges) just sitting there. 

Regarding the candies, just send this suggestion to the special topic: 


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Raidon    108
2 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


We cannot extend recharges hours to alll day, as then many players will miss most of the game activities (especially sieges) just sitting there. 

Regarding the candies, just send this suggestion to the special topic: 


I've made a suggestion for Wyvern candy back in February. Still no answer)

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Quas    4
On 5.7.2020 at 8:56 PM, TheAlmighty said:

We cannot extend recharges hours to alll day, as then many players will miss most of the game activities (especially sieges) just sitting there.

isnt it a bit hypocritical for you to say this on the one hand and on the other refuse to change someting about game activites and refuse to implement something to make them more interesting for people.

Just like many times suggested stuff like double Kamar / EOB, PvP Events and so on.

Just like slideshow said most of the people that are full gear just afk because OW does not seem appealing for most of the players or wait for specific battlegrounds or recharger. Atleast extend times to like 3pm - 8pm. Like that the main siege wont even be effected.

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