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Bard 4.7 sounds

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Jesp    4

This was suggested by another person on Discord, but I talked to that person and his/her suggestion didn't get an answer.

This might be quite hard to implement, maybe it can be implemented by just changing a couple of files.

Would it be possible to implement bard 4.7's sounds? I find them way better than the ones on this version, not asking to change skills only the sound or make us able to change them, here's a video example: 

Thanks for taking your time to read my suggestion even if it doesn't go anywhere.


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iv done it , i cant find files from 4.7 instead i took from 5.7 only 1 sound dont working  idk why > fiery descant is it , stining note is ok and mana heal is ok too 


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Jesp    4

I'm going to download a full 4.7 and try, if it works I'll post the files needed here.

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you dont need whole game only sound files,  if you download torrent just select this files 

sounds/ effects / artist / artist / artist.pak

original file 4,96 MB

the pack i replaced was 5,89 MB


rowsing in pack files to see if they identical i found the frog skill sounds :( ahh miss that skill :D

Edited by connormacgunner
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Jesp    4

Hello everyone!
So I got the artist.pak from a 4.7.5 server I downloaded, 

all stuff works except the Fiery Descant yeah, its sound didn't change. 
As the post above this one said, this goes into EuroAion/Sounds/effects/artist/artist.pak

Download it below


Edited by Jesp

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TheAlmighty    1,151


You can try to follow the suggestions of other players, but sadly we cannot implement this for the whole server. 

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