
Streamer using viewer bots

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Rngesus    1

hey i want to report the streamer Boooooooonk he´s using veiwer bots to claim the ecoin reward. I can also prove it if you look at his past stream https://www.twitch.tv/videos/622659931?filter=archives&sort=time you can see several messages in chat which are reapiting. for example at 2:03:08 one bot "wrote emirbaskurtt:ya güzel degil ama bakimli kadin sonuçta" at 8:53:55 he wrote the same thing again or at 7:07:48 and 17:07;43. They also followed him all at the same day... 

please take a closer look at him

Edited by Rngesus

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TheAlmighty    1,151


We've seent their messages and checked the channel before accounting coins. 
Some of the players have already been banned for deceiving administration.

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Rngesus    1
10 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


We've seent their messages and checked the channel before accounting coins. 
Some of the players have already been banned for deceiving administration.

You still did´nt  ban him i dont get it...

Edited by Rngesus

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