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Manastone socketing

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koekie    8

Hi there

Pls can you update the mana stone socketing.

I miss the purple powder to enchant my weapons and gear.

Can't donate or buy ecoins because i don't have the money easy ass that.

and also it's beginning to like how donates or buy ecoins get to full upgrade gear faster like pay to win.

If ya just bring greater powder orange and greater powder purple to buy in-game than it would be more balanced

And that when a mana stone fails to enchant that not all mana stone are gone but just the 1 that you used last.

Think a lot will struggle less PLS do something hope you will.


many thnx




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Raidon    108

You can buy greater mythical supplements for Blood Marks.

Edited by Raidon
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koekie    8

Thnx for the info

But like i explained make it more balanced so it will be less pay to win.

And i think the supplements can be buyed ad Katalam BM npc??

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Qelacien    2

koekie you have to understand that the admins have to live on something. Its no retail and they have no other *many other* way to earn money. They wont hold this server for us for free. And it is far from beeing p2w compared to other servers.They have to pay for many things, Marketing, Server, Employes that hold it etc... 

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koekie    8

i understand that they need to make money.

But I don't have real money and buying ingame100%scroll ad broker to expancif thats why manastones socketing MUST be upgraded.

i talked to a few friends ingame moost feel the same.

This is crap never effer gone manastone my gear or this will take 100years COME ON.

sorry bit pissed about this.

feels like payed to win to me.


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TheAlmighty    1,145
1 hour ago, koekie said:

i understand that they need to make money.

But I don't have real money and buying ingame100%scroll ad broker to expancif thats why manastones socketing MUST be upgraded.

i talked to a few friends ingame moost feel the same.

This is crap never effer gone manastone my gear or this will take 100years COME ON.

sorry bit pissed about this.

feels like payed to win to me.


You can get the socketings in the game as well. If they're not enough, you need to save kinah for those at the broker. Mmos are never fast and easy played. 

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