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x2 Rates

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Xeixei    8

What about making x2 rates at weekends as AionLegends has (They have x3) atleast people will have more provability of drop fluxes wich everyones needs, and also i think it could call the atention of pp to lvl up and to farm more

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TheAlmighty    1,084


Unfortunately, there's no such possibility yet. Maybe in the future we will have such changes, but we cannot ppromise this.

Best regards

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Zenmoon    4

Better start increasing drop/item rates soon-ish, I don't see  reason to donate shop  if people don't have kinah to buy stuff I put in broker.



Best regards

Edited by Zenmoon

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aionacolyte    5

Dear all

Just my opinion and with respect for other viewpoints/wishes...

Personally I came here because stuff is 4.6  x1 - if the server starts implementing all kinds of structural server-wide boosts and buffs I and people that came here for the same reason as me have invested their time for 'nothing' so to speak. I don't see why they would implement these kinds of things when this is presumably a 4.6 server - because then it stops being a 4.6 server. I prefer a bit of an old-school grind and that's why I chose 4.6.

I don't mind if people use all kinds of buffs and boosts themselves but I rather not to be 'forced' to get boosts.

Thanks, admins, for the good work!


Edited by thales
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