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I was looking around for an actual ECoins package like the other companies do in their own game's currency. Instead of the amount of donation and in return, the ECoins, I would rather not have to deal with the constant currency exchange rates.

Had read a thread of someone complaining about PaySafe Card worth $10, but could not get 500 ECoins due to exchange rate. Was 0.47(?) short for a 500, which a Mount is worth. That was unfortunate for a potential customer.

Would make sense if you had packages available on site starting from $5: 250 ECoins (no bonus ECoins), $10 500 EC with 10% bonus, $20 1000 EC with 15% bonus ECoins. See image below for example. Let me what you think.

Edit: And if anyone wants to donate more than $60, the bonus remains the same regardless of the amount donated. A $100 would still come with 25% EC bonus.



Edited by Sister Bliss

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TheAlmighty    1,137


We are not planning to add such thing. The problem witn the paysafecard "packs" was solved on the day of the complaint. 

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Yeah, I figured this was pointless when I bought ECoins. Could make it clear what that box is supposed to be, what we should be inputting? As I thought I should be inputting the amount of money I wanted to donate, but instead that input box is actual ECoins.

So if a player wants 500 ECoins, they simply put 500 in that box and press the Donate button which will lead you to payment system, stating the amount needs to be paid for 500 ECs.

This is where the confusion lay as I created this thread with package options. Could you add below the ECoins text "How much ECoins do you want to buy?" or "Input ECoin amount" or something?

Like this:



Edited by Sister Bliss
Added image.

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