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Problem with Salix Wood Cabinet

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Daniels    3

Hello i get a problem with my salix wood cabinet in my studio! I get mail that say's "the cabinet expired" and the items inside cannot be used! Well i buy another one cabinet and don't see even that there is a timer for such a thing like expire! All my abys relics are inside please i  need some ansers becouse this will ruin my game! I need this items  back. In the official server usaly if something expire you get your items via mail post. But here didn't get enything! PLEASE HELP!!!

Screenshot 0001.jpg

Screenshot 0002.jpg

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Daniels    3
3 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


You need to get the same cabinet that you had before in order to get the items. 



3 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

as you can see on the screen already did it. And i get 1 more slot. But still cannnot take back my items. I can only remamber that i get the first cabinet from a quest that is for the studio. But in no one server i don't remamber to lose items becouse he expire! And how to do a single quest that is already complate it???


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TheAlmighty    1,085

Are you sure you got the right cabinet? The name on the picture is different. You need Noble Salix wood cabinet. 

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Daniels    3
On 15.01.2020 г. at 12:45 PM, TheAlmighty said:



That's what i said. It's differend becouse you can't buy it! It's from a single quest for the studio! How can i take back my items when i can't get the same cabinet??? The original cabinet that i took it's from the quest (see the screenshot) . If you can find where to buy it then tell me!

Screenshot 0003.jpg

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Daniels    3

Now i have to start crafting... I'm already master cooker, should i delete my profesion with all the recipes inside just to take back my AP items??? No way! You not helping me just telling me the obvius that i don't aggry. Thanks anyway.........

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TheAlmighty    1,085
23 hours ago, Daniels said:

Now i have to start crafting... I'm already master cooker, should i delete my profesion with all the recipes inside just to take back my AP items??? No way! You not helping me just telling me the obvius that i don't aggry. Thanks anyway.........

You can by it from other crafters. We cannot help you with this anyhow, this is a game moment. The cabinet was marked with time


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