I, am a new Player on this Server, i am from Germany. And i am shocked, about the Racism at this Server!
I search for a instance, yesterday, it have works. we work the instance in english, no problem.
But Today, i search for a other instance, that have not worked in English. Then i search for Players in german Langue, for German people,
in the hope that works.
An then, of 15 minutes, i become news, that was not okay... . I must blocked in then 15 minutes 4 Players about racism! I should not talk german, i should have to talk english?!
Okay, fine, but, whats with the other languages every day that i read in the chat? Polish, turkish, russian, and more and more. But i, i don,t it? What is here wrong?
I am attacked about that i speak German? Thats not Fair and not okay! And, i tried in english, but it did not work in english, to search members for the instance..... .
Thank you all,
Greetings, Major