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  1. Elyos and Asmo accounts

    Yes, it's that the problem...
  2. Elyos and Asmo accounts

    A lot of players have both side accounts. Admins said that the asmos are less than elyos... of course, asmos did elyos accounts... That thing kills PVP... kills balancing... kills events... The PVP is already dead because of cheaters. It's possible to code something to automatic-ban the accounts depending of asmo/elyos characters? Some other private servers did it. SO YOU NEED TO CHOOSE A SIDE.
  3. Abyss Point AP Relic exchange

    I have it, but i can't give it to you...
  4. So 17th june inclusive !!! Ty !!! (plz change the 1rst post )
  5. Hi, ty for the few days =) Is it 17th june inclusive or not?
  6. Scamming tempering

    He is selling wrong item at good price.