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Posts posted by DevWolx

  1. 1) The cap is the same basically 500 crit for 50% but you'll need more because crit strike resist reduces it. For PvP you're looking over 950 crit strike is a good number, that depends on the average crit strike resist of other players (over 450~ resist). PvE you'll want between 1000 and 1100, depends on the instance but 1100 you'll be good for everything I think.

    2) Maximum stats what do you mean exactly ? The stats you need for each or how much can you reach ? There is no limit basically because most stats in aion have caps but that gets reduced by another stat so you need to have more to counter it. So I can't tell you how much exactly can you reach cause it all depends on your opponent and you just need to basically reach optimized numbers at end game.

    - Block cap is 50% so its 500 but you need to add it to your opponent accuracy. Generally average players accuracy late game is 3000 so you need 3500 block to have 50% chance of blocking. But the more precision they have the less chances you'll get (example your set is at 3500 block but a player have 3200 accuracy => you will get 30% chance).
    *So for player socketing accuracy you will need more, take 3500 as a starting number to work for the average player.
    **Parry is capped at 40% so 400 and evade at 30% so 300 as a bonus info.

    - MR not sure if in this patch is also 50%, someone can correct me if I'm wrong. But in any case it's the same concept, if a player have 2300 MA (which I think is maybe the max they can reach overall with socketing composites without sacrificing too much MB) you'll need 2800 MR. On average players I think they will maybe have 2100 MA so start by reaching 2600 MR I guess. *A lot of skills have their own bonuses and penalties of MA that also goes into account.

    - MS is another story as it reduces your opponent MB at a 1:1 ratio, so you'll need to know how much MB they can reach but you won't be able to go even with it to like reduce it to 0 lol. Keep in mind MB cap is 2900, any MB over it doesn't add damage it's only purpose is to counter the MS of targets, so you just need the best gear for an MS set and get as much as you can to reduce their magic damage. (I think ancient coin leather is best for this with a shield that have a lot of ancient manastone slots like rune shield tower)

    - Attack has no cap so put as much as you can on your DPS set after you get the caps on accuracy and crit which are the priority (attack will not matter if you can't hit your target and getting close as possible to 50% crit is crucial).

     -Crit see (1).

    - Accuracy I basically explained it with block.

    => So in short for PvP, for a DPS set you are looking at reaching 3000+ accuracy with 950+ crit and as much attack as you can fit. Block set start with 3500 block, you can fit in crit with composites to also be cap for crit for a bit of damage but at the expense of less block. MR is same with block but try to get 2600+ to 2800. You can try finding gear calculators online to try and plan a bit and see the numbers you can reach. If I did a mistake on some numbers someone please correct me.

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  2. Well the magic boost cap is 2900 and it doesn't matter if you have more than that, the game will count as if you have 2900, you can test it on dummies (try hitting it with a spell at 2900mb then equip something to go over it you will do same damage) but that's for targets that have 0 magic suppression.

    Now is where you need more than the actual cap is to account for the magic suppression of the targets, for exemple if a target have 1000 magic supression you will need 3900 magic boost because it reduces it at a 1:1 ratio ( 3900 - 1000 = 2900 ). *same rules for PvE and PvP.

    For some endgame bosses it's actually really hard to reach the cap normally or as you just starting out because they have a lot of magic suppression, so you just try to get as much as you can so you get close to the cap, also some classes have debuffs that reduce magic supression for some time so it helps.

    *Magic Suppression of bosses examples  : Hyperion = 1335 ; Grendal = 1150 ; Pashid ; 1335.

    For Magic accuracy I don't remember the exact numbers but at 2k you are ok for everything for PvE (maybe a little more for ruhnadium/grendal), it depends on the Magic Resist of the targets so for PvP vs a class wearing an MR set you will need more. (there's also MA bonuses or penalties on some spells that also goes into account but that's going too deep).

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  3. On 02/05/2020 at 5:27 AM, TheAlmighty said:

    Regarding the class difference, this is how it works for everything. If you farm some mobs, you can get the same problems in mage<->assassin/ranger. And these classes are just supposed to be unexpected, aren't they? This is made by the game creators (which are NCSoft), this is their "role". Not like we're defending them, it is just true. Mage classes have some more controle skills on the other side.

    Making the boxes open with cast will bring a lot of complains about getting hit just once and losing the chest cuz of it. 

    Event is about opening boxes why should it have a class difference ? Made by NCSoft doesn't mean its a good design, if you can fix a bad design choice made by the original devs why not do it ? Don't you think it is better for your playerbase that it should be fair for everyone ? Everyone must be able to do it at the same manner, class difference matter in gameplay not in opening a box for an event...

    Making the box with cast will not bring any complains cause nothing will change about the event, only positive change is more people gonna participate since it will be fair, you already lose your chest if you get hit right now, are you gonna keep hitting the chest while an enemy player is killing you ? You gonna die before being able to open it lol. So you gonna stop hitting the chest to defend yourself (and the chest will regen its hp cause you stopped damaging it), if you win the fight chest is yours, if you die you lost it. Nothing will change about how the event works it's just gonna be less frustrating and everyone can enjoy it. Like just the thing about your own faction stealing your chest just in front of your eyes and taking it from your hands is more annoying than dying to an enemy player cause that's just PvP and it's okay. The event in silentra had the same mechanic it had a map with chests that open with cast and it had open PvP and there was no complain about it comparing to this event.

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  4. Try killing boxes as aethertech... Mages at least have dots especially spiritmaster + his pet. So if you are re doing this event are you gonna take in consideration all the feedback or just the Tempering Solutions' feedback ? I get it it's supposed to be a PvP event to fight over boxes. But the problem is that the boxes have too much hp to kill and what's worse if people from your own faction can steal the box from you even if you start killing it before them just because their class kills it way faster and loot unlock for the one dealing the most dps on the box. So it doesn't matter if you always find boxes first and almost kill them if another better class for the job just comes by and yoink it. Not even gonna talk about zerging from both factions (yes consider you are solo and you found a box then a group of people same faction just comes and steal it).

    If you can change opening the boxes as a casting when you click on them like how the boxes for halloween event in Silentra, not "who deals the most amount of 1 dmg faster", this would be good and fair for everyone and open world PvP would still be there. Also consider spreading them equally around the map and having a bit of a random spawn time so no camping. People must be moving constantly looking for them and fighting with opposite faction.

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  5. You have 2 in ingi/gelk from the stigma master there, the 60 mobs one and the one for taloc. then the sarpan one that have 3 quests you choose from to get the stigma slot. Before these you have 3 slots from level 45+ from Miriya in sanctum (steel rake solo then group then dark poeta).

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  6. AT is sadly not a good class to duo with for leveling since each one will be doing mostly different campaigns, since you are still in verteron might wanna look into doing another class if you planning on leveling as duo t'ill the end just to have a more smooth experience.

  7. aidps gets always updated to work with retail so its doesn't work with previous updates unless you get an old version maybe and it can be tricky perhaps with a private server never tried it. I used to use it for retail cause it was very light compared to rainmeter which is too overloaded, only complain is you have to run it before the game and requires another software. Before aidps when I played on retail at this version I used ultrakikimeter very simple to use I think you can still find it online.

  8. After expanding maximum allowed in your capital you can expand one more in the floating island of Tigraki (hidden at the top left of the upper abyss), you'll also get a free upgrade at level 30 as a dark blue quest in your capital. Last row you can get it from a really long quest named "The Legend of Vindachinerk" for elyos and "Winning Vindachinerk’s Favor" for asmo. That's it for expanding cube in game only without shop.

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  9. Yes it gets higher with levels and also shared in whole account iirc. For exemple if limit on lvl 10 is 1mil but you sold like 10mil on your level 50 character it still counts for the level 10 as if you reached its limit.

  10. if it's downloading everything from beginning you probably have the game installed in another folder from the torrent, you have to specify the same folder for both download methods so you can use both of them for updates or checking.

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  11. 1. Best PvP set here is the star 2 officer gear that you buy with AP and Ceranium Medals (also requires having abyss rank of star 2 officer at least ofc). There is other sets like rank 1 but not worth it and doesn't have set effect. There's general gear too. But don't bother with these, start off by getting your starter gear by farming Blood Marks from Katalam/Danaria camps, then go to sieges, arenas, PvP instances etc... There is even some PvE instances like Steel Wall Bastion requires 24 coordinated people, and some others like a solo instance look up any source of AP and Cera Medals. (There is also key farming in the Eye of Tia for AP) *There's some camps that sell the gear a bit cheaper in AP I think, I don't remember well, and which camps or which gear ask people or research.

    2. You can level up Alchemy to craft them if you have the will and time and kinah. Also leveling up you Gather stuff so you gather yourself you components. I think the end game highest levels crafting scrolls for best consumables are only a drop or buy from broker people that dropped it I'm not sure. Me I don't bother with all of this, I just farm a bit kinah and buy my consumables from broker more convenient and comfortable for me

    3. There's manastones (and composite manastones for double stats), but remember that if you fail socket, every previous manastone socketed gets destroyed and basically it's a reset. You have enchant stones that you either drop in bags or by disenchant some gear, you can look up in forum I think they posted somewhere about how the rates kinda work but it's still RNG like everything else. Godstones that you get either as rewards from bags or PvP quests and drop from any mobs, the ones from quest are not tradeable but quests are repeatable. 100% supplements for manastones are in shop so either you buy them yourself like that or from broker, if not in broker you can ask in chat for people selling them. Normal supplements for both manastones and enchant, I don't know about them a lot, for mythical ones you can trade Blood Marks for them (or Ancient Coins for a very good starting PvE gear), I don't know where you get eternals. There is a new item called plume that's new in this patch, very rare drop or very expensive to buy, you upgrade it with Tempering Solution/Serums (that are also super rare to drop usually on bosses of late game instances and sell for a lot of kinah also used to enchant accessories for more PvP stats). when you upgrade them they give good stats (HP+Attack or HP+Magic boost) but the catch is the more you upgrade the more chance of fails and it destroys the plume. TL;DR don't bother with this until very late like the last thing you bother with, but if you loot any of those 2 items leave them or start trying your luck or you can even sell them.

    4. You can drop stigma as general loot from anything, always try to look for them on broker for cheaper first, then if it's really an important skill I just buy from NPC, but usually I just keep checking broker if someone is selling what I need. I think yes the NPC do sell all of them for every level, There's also Superior Stigmas that you start getting after level 45 you buy them with AP, and you need some quests to open their special slots (once slot is open you can put a normal stigma in it not necessary a superior one, but generally every class has a stigma tree that requires some so depending on your class and build). Superior Stigmas you can buy lower levels then upgrade it to next when you can for cheap, don't buy the next level superior stigma from scratch just upgrade the previous level to next in the upgrade NPC (the total first stigma + the upgrade cost to max level is same amount of AP if you buy the max level one directly). There's some camps in Danaria ( 81 and 89 ) that sells max level stigmas for cheaper price than normal NPCs.

    5. Gotta be specific also I think I answered some in previous posts. But in general It's new content for PvE and PvP, with new maps and other stuff.

    6. I don't think the server is pay to win, since they don't sell gear directly or temperings solutions for enchant plumes and accessories, you can check the shop yourself, there's only cosmetics and boosts and mounts etc... what is a bit bothersome is the 100% manastone supplement for socketing but it's not really that big of a problem and you can buy them from people selling them with kinah so you can basically play the game without paying like I do cause I can't spend real money. A real pay to win server is like official and some private that do pay to win events and sell the temperings directly in shop that just break the PvP balance cause you have whales with all +5 accessories and plumes and you can do nothing to them if you are a f2p player. So no issue in that regard.

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  12. Aion official is way ahead in time comparing it to this version, I remember they did an engine upgrade and other things. You would probably had same issue back when it was this version in official if it's really a hardware issue. Maybe you could try some other private server with same version to see if it's really your hardware.

    Try changing the game engine in graphic option to default and don't play in fullscreen. I think Aion have mostly problem with newer CPU's than GPU's I've heard but I'm no expert in this matter. I'm still playing on my old toaster since I started the game back then.

  13. Here's a video to show you that this campaign needed a group to enter to normal instance and kill him at the bottom. If you search on Youtube "Fragment of Memory 3" you will get multiple results just like this. So we are not lying to you and it is a fact that it is done in group and not in solo only since 10 years as you said.

    The solo version of "Fragment of Memory 3" was later added as a change to make the campaign easier and not requiring group, shows you didn't play in older Aion cause this is what you need to do normally. If you got the solo version I don't understand why, cause that was changed in a later patch and must be a bug then or something or you are trolling, with that I'm done replying.

  14. You need to calm down a bit as I was just trying to help. I have no reason of lying to you. I KNOW the mission can be done solo as I did it like that in official server, but in this server I did it as I told you before. If you have the solo version and Icaronix is not there on top, ask an admin for help on discord (or maybe he is at the bottom like in the group version), maybe it's a bug and some people get solo version and others are required to do it in normal group version. For me as I said they didn't teleport me to the SOLO VERSION, I had to make group and kill icaronix in the normal instance and it worked for me and my friends.

  15. I did that campaign on multiple characters and I wasn't sent to the solo version. I just made group and went inside, talked to npc and it made me fly to that spot on top, then we went down and killed him at the bottom. So I don't know what's happening on your side. They just told me to go inside Azoturan and kill him so I did it in group, they didn't teleport me automatically to the solo version (I remember the solo version where he is on top was added later not in this version so this is confusing). If it allows you to do it try to do it with group if possible.

  16. I didn't play when the game had subscription if that's when you could do that, so then they changed it or introduced that property on some items (and like all the wings have it) after it went free to play cause they need to make money out of the shop to keep going. But they still also put it on some in game equipment and if you like the skins you have to drop them multiple times. For me I like Tiamat and RST skins and they both can only be remodeled once.

    The thing is you probably can't pull stuff from older versions cause either stuff gets deleted or altered heavily, also some variables may change and some call outs might return different things and that might break the game, else we could have aion 4.8 with sarpan, tiamaranta, katalam and danaria still there. Or having 4.6 with the 4.8 gameplay changes that are really nice.

    Well the warning about not being able to reuse the skin is like in the item itself, the remodeler is used for every type of item so there's only the warning that your item on the bottom would be destroyed.

  17. Me too I don't have a lot of play time and sometimes i don't even play for days, just do it at your own pace no rush, sometimes forcing it can make you not enjoy the game.

    If you are willing to buy stuff from shop to go faster, I'd go for the energy of repose boost only at low level (unless the other bonuses of the value pack seems worth for you) you get that strong energy of repose, not a big difference from the normal one but well, you can regen it with 100% Teas after it reaches 0 to boost XP from any source so there's that. There's also +200% XP amulet from shop if you gonna do some bashing, some people sell them in game but quite expensive.

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  18. If you are stuck at level 23 (or at mostly any level) you are leveling wrong. You need to be efficient. There is a lot of green/light blue quests that can be done while doing your campaigns at every level and maps (And I suggest you do all campaigns cause a lot of them are linked and required to unlock some after even in different maps). And doing so you will never be stuck. Also dark blue quests are important cause most of them open up entry for instances and access to stuff (There is some rare normal quests that also open access to stuff). Also it is good practice to do a bit of research as well.

    There is also some stuff you do while reaching some key levels, like the levels required for certain instances for example : reaching level 25-26 you need to do noschana camp multiple times solo for best xp (no mentor in group cause it reduces xp), you can use XP amulets to do the instances less times but if its your first character I doubt you could afford them at that level, personally I only start buying XP amulets from broker until levels 50+ for beshmundir solo xp and other high level instances cause they are very expensive in broker. (I also avoid grinding in Fire Temple when you reach it just a waste of time). Some levels you will need a group and pref some high level mentors for some pink quests and campaigns for some instances and stuff. I don't really like grinding and bashing mobs like a bot very much and only do it when necessary, at maps levels 50+ there's a lot of quests with very good xp and you have the repeatable mithril coin quest, there's choices to change things up.

    First time I started playing in this server I reached max level while casually playing for a few days without try harding and without spending anything on shop, you just need to know what to do at the right time. Ofc if you have a max level friend that can help you along the way or you found a legion that's willing to help you then it's easier than playing solo but to each his own. Either way some stuff will require you to group cause impossible as solo and having a higher level players is better. 

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