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Posts posted by DevWolx

  1. If you compare it to hyperion set, it's basically very close to it (with full AC gear at +5 and full hyperion set at +10 with no manastones and same fuse).

    The advantage is that you get some "free" base stats and is easier to enchant (eternal not mythical) and maximize since it's only at +5. The disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time to get (or expensive to buy) if you plan on getting the full gear (but as a ranged dps you will only need the weapon for starters) and you also need to condition it for bonus stats and sustain it, same concept for augmenting.

    Just get the weapon with BM under it and enchant it +5, condition it, get a good idian too and some decent manastones, then try to get some PvE armor parts from easier instances like sauro and RST, you will normally also be able to get into IS.

  2. The only solution to this problem is to make a macro that equips gear from you inventory directly (not from the name, not from quickbar) so for example :

    /use 1 1

    This would use/equip the first item in the first row. (first number = slot ; second number = row).

    Problems with this method are in this patch we don't have the feature yet to lock our cubes, so that if you put your items in an order they don't change places if you use the auto organize function. But still could be possible if when you sort automatically you gear doesn't change place anyways for the way it's sorted (just gotta remove any piece of gear you drop/loot from your inventory before auto organizing cause it might take place of something you wanna equip with your macro).

    So you gotta set up the macro to keep in mind how armor gets sorted automatically in your inventory. If for example your chest piece for your first set is in third slot first row then you should do : /use 3 1. Then the second macro for the second set's chest piece should be (depending where the second chest piece is) let's say in your inventory it's in the fourth slot : /use 4 1. and vice versa.

    I didn't try this method yet in this server as I don't have that issue with gear yet, so try to play with that macro setting and see if it works.

  3. Try to get the weapon to +5 as your first priority now, also condition it and put a good physical attack idian on it. Armor enchanting won't be useful for you for PvE currently since it's BM gear but for PvP sure maybe. For your weapon since it's +2 now you can start trying with purple stones for higher chance (at +2 with an L107 you'll get 80% chance). Personally I didn't bother enchanting BM armor. It's better to not waste stones on BM if you're planning to get abyss gear. Since they are both 65 eternal they have the same rules for enchanting.

    Even if you tell them your stats they can also not believe you. But they should also know that people can link copied gear from the memo-pad anyways. Only way to properly check gear is for the person to unlock and check it directly.

  4. What are your stats fully buffed ? AC+BM weapon +5 and BM gear fully socketed is more than enough for those instances. You could even get into IS cause you will have the stats required normally. Only instances when maybe you will have issues is sauro 2 keys, SWB, Runadium i guess ? Hyperion only requires 2800 precision and I'm sure the boss in RST/IO is maybe around the same. But even still with that gear you'll normally reach around 2800+ precision and 900+ crit without any buffs even idians and candy. If you try to count for all of that you will easy reach 3000+ precision 1100+ crit. Which is more than enough for majority. (Grendal and Shita requires around 3100, and pashid is 3200 but not really required to have that much for that boss since how the instance works). *and this is not counting having a chanter helping. Having full AC will probably help you more but it's a bit overkill for a class not needing the extra HP and defense (also bonus offensive stats from conditioning is nice), Also takes some time to get fully and that gear fully is almost as good as a full hyperion.

    It's just people being very picky, normally some only look at the weapons, some will ask you to show everything, and some don't like seeing "weak parts" even if you reach the stats required. Also some are obsessed with seeing PURPLE. What matters overall is you reaching the requirements stats and being a good DPS. Doesn't matter how you do it. But people don't care, they could be recruiting a guy in full mythical enchanted socketed then he would not know how to play or be a bad person. So just keep trying for other groups or try to get into a legion that runs endgame instances.

    For your question about your abyss weapon. Don't waste it under an AC weapon or Hyperion (*you will not loose your hyperion set effect cause the abyss weapon will be fused under it and the latter doesn't have a set effect with your abyss armor). Hyperion base stats are not very good especially for physical classes (magical classes only need MB doesn't matter if it's base or bonus and with full set they get the bonuses and they're good to go. For physical classes from those bonuses the attack is "green" and not "white"). So wait until you get SWB weapon is the best. (RST/IO, Runadium, Sauro are your second option, but you will need to get 6 slots and the best random stats for them to be good).

  5. Not a full reset, a soft reset might be nice, as in a percentage reduction of GP so that everyone keeps his rank and new players have chance to catch up.

  6. I don't agree with removing GP from sieges, but are you able to modify how it works ? Like to make it more worth to go in alliance rather than solo or duo. So that it makes more people going together to actually defend or attack forts.

  7. I also already talked about this, Yes you should be allowed to have multiple accounts, and playing them at the same time. But if it's an opposite faction character that's where you shouldn't be able to play at the same time cause then it's open for abuse, griefing, kill trade, cooping (even as separate people playing the character, opposite factions shouldn't be allowed to cooperate). Even official servers weren't allowing this, so if they tell us that they work just like retail they should not allow it then.That doesn't mean that it didn't happen in retail, but when people got reported with proof people got banned for it.

    • Like 1

  8. I think it is wise to find some way to test content before deploying it to the public. If you can't afford having a test server, can you not run the same build of the server locally for testing ? Either that or communicate with the players to get feedback and also discuss between staff members. Because taking the current event as an example, the outcome was obvious as an instance for level 40+ looting for level 65, 12 chests, 5 times per day, and the other one 3 chests, 16 times per day. And the fact that people with multiple characters/accounts can run it. When you release something like this out in the open suddenly, players will just think that this is how the event is supposed to be and that the administration did testing and approval before the launch. You should always think ahead and carefully before deploying anything. Now after the change, people are just gonna run Steel Rose over and over again with reset scrolls. Also there's a chance that people will start taking all the chests in level 65 instances and not letting other people get theirs.

    Some suggestions for the current event : 

    1) Remove steel rose reset scrolls from shop temporarily for the remainder of the event.

    2) Compensate by either raising the chance of the ice pick drop or add more chests. *the adding of chests is for Steel Rose, the ice pick drop chance can be general.

    3) Make chests loot for everyone instead of being a unique item that one person could all take from himself. *for level 65 instances that requires group/alliance, you can decrease the number to one per person but everyone gets his chest not a unique loot.

    I'm not saying THIS is what you should do. This is a discussion and other can add their own suggestions and ideas and we can reach an understanding on what's better and fair for everyone. Because saying that everyone have same conditions and that it's fair is not true since people can just buy reset scrolls and do steel rose infinitely. Before anyone could do the event since the only abuse is having multiple characters and that's basically the "fault" of the players for having only one character, not fair, not the same conditions, but understandable and it's okay. The right way would have been to decrease the number of chests on said instances that were removed. Now it's reset scrolls on the shop and that's not the fault of the players but the server and that's just seems totally not okay and p2w just like when people bought reset scrolls to get more serums, same story.

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  9. I mean even with that, taking all the loot for yourselves is not really the solution. Just because "you did most of the work". Don't replay with them ever and be done with it. I also had many bad experiences with people that basically weights the instance and group down and make it a frustrating experience, but I didn't think about taking their loot from them. Just never replay with them again.

  10. Unfortunately people like this don't get punished and there is plenty, even in retail (don't know about korea). Unless the administration put some new rules for that kind of behavior. Only solution is to never play again with that person and warn your friends and others.

  11. I'm not saying he doesn't have a point, there is people like that, but you need to look at all the perspectives, cause not everyone is like that. And if you want PvP only instant gear there's a private server for that.

    Aion retail died because mostly the fault of the publisher with all the BS p2w and other stuff + newer content became more and more stale. That's why people quit to go for private server in the first place. And each one goes to a server that serves his needs, each one has his own preferences. For me I started thinking about quitting retail right after the 5.x stuff happened and I was going back and forth there until I stopped and already started playing on other private servers (which I won't say the names) But this isn't my first private server. So I can't even tell you how many character I had to level up and there's many like me.

    I again fail to see how the starter gear would ruin anything of what you say, if the majority of people really wanna do what you say in this server they would be doing it starter gear or not from the beginning of the server, please explain how the starter gear prevents you or anyone from rifting or doing low level pvp ? The answer is just that majority here is not interested in that.

    Starter gear is just to skip mindless coin gear grinding for each ~10 level so you can actually do the campaigns and quests and instances to progress faster to reach endgame faster where "the meat" of the game is in this patch, it has no relation to pvp whatsoever, and again after a point it becomes obsolete. Again If you want to play old content you can go to other private servers that have previous patches, If majority here wanted rifting and old maps pvp they would be doing it actively but no majority that comes to 4.6 is for endgame and not 2.x or 3.x content.

  12. Why would the starter gear have anything to do with crafting ? After beshmundir temple it basically becomes obsolete once you reach max level if you wanna get in into most instances. Without it you would go over coin gear anyways. It's just a faster way to comfortably go through the leveling process which I'm sure majority have done countless number of times already. The starter gear may look to you as a draw in for new players but I see it mostly done for veterans that replayed that old content so many times or even when you wanna level up a new character and have to go through all of that again. And putting a 30 days limit on it is gonna be a stressful experience (oh shit I must get 65 before it runs out). You know, not everyone have all the time in the world to play this game like it's another life, some people have obligations or play also other games you know.

    This patch's point is into the endgame anyways and most of the player base is there, and sooner you reach them the better experience. Many came here because this is 4.6 and we know why. Almost no one runs old content here and there's no reason to it's not worth. If you want old content go play on a private server with a previous patch, that also have a lower level cap for all the twinks that stay 55 here for w/e reason if not picking on low level players in old maps. "Honest" twinking may had some sense back then on retail cause you basically refuse the update and wanna stay in your own world and had people to play old content with like a community, but in a private server makes no sense since there's other servers with the patch you want already.

    "MMOs are supposed to be a slow grind", reaching max level is already pretty slow as it is if you don't use exp buffs and manage it well, for a totally new player even with an OP starter gear he will still struggle cause lack of information and game experience. And reaching max level doesn't equal finishing the game. The game at level 65 just begins and there's so many stuff to grind and everyone knows Aion's RNG so it is a slow grind and the starter gear has nothing to do with it to make it easier or faster at lategame.

  13. Not in "system.cfg", add the line in "SystemOptionGraphics.cfg"  in all caps : G_CHATLOG = "1". This create the file automatically by the game normally.


  14. I was looking for a solution and this works for me currently :

    1) let's start with an earring and type /useright "earring name".
    2) follow by the necklace as separation /use "necklace name".
    3) now put the other part of earring as /useleft "earring name".
    4) now put the ring as /useright "ring name".
    5) put the belt as separation /use "belt name".
    6) finish with the other ring as /useleft "ring name".

    so macro should look like this as an example :
    /useright Discordant Magic Earrings
    /use Discordant Magic Necklace
    /useleft Discordant Magic Earrings
    /useright Discordant Magic Ring
    /use Discordant Magic Belt
    /useleft Discordant Magic Ring

    *You can swap the order of earrings / rings and necklace / belt. The important thing is to start with right side, a separation, then left).

    • Like 2

  15. Is it possible to modify the GP gain in sieges to for example make it that when you are in alliances/leagues you get more contribution and GP than being solo/duo/group or maybe a more simple way is to remove GP gain for when you are solo or in a group (like a condition or flag that the game/server detects) and buff the gain of GP considerably when you are in alliance so that it matches the previous gain as a group.

    Maybe there's other solutions, don't know if it actually possible to modify it in the code or server files or something. But I think there's need to be a way to make people stop being selfish and going solo or duo or group for max contributions and GP gain. The main fantasy of sieges is to work as a faction to capture or defend forts. And contribution should only be calculated in alliances, as how much you helped the faction, damage on objectives (gates, bosses, enemy players etc...) and for the classes that heal I think healing counts on gates, bosses and allies. So that the rewards should be given fairly to the people that contributed the most for the faction and will probably get more people on the actual siege.