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  1. Macro issues

    Oh sorry I don't have understood your question , the game is in french. But it's OK I finally found a solution, it works. Thx again for your speedy feedback. Have a nice evening.
  2. Macro issues

    Hello, I'm using the intern macro system, pressing U (azerty) touch. I alway did the same thing on official server and I never had problem before. When you create a macro in game you have to drop and drag your skill from your skill menu (for me it's K), add a /delay for example: /delay 1.0 and after it's ok, it is working when I create my macro but after a log out, my macro is no longer working.
  3. Macro issues

    Hi, I encounter a problem with the macro system, every time I log in, my skills macro are not available. I have to recreate it. There is a way to fix it? Thanks for yours future answers.