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Everything posted by Dio

  1. Restrictions: Wings Plumes Governor's and commander's armor Governor's and commander's weapon any accessories except BLOOD MARKS So Sorcerer and Spiritmaster can not wear Antro's/Karvo's Headband? And what if some player has plussed Bloodmark Accessories? Why not let them be at +0 only?
  2. So people with +5 Accessories are fucked and can't participate? What are we supposed to do? Buy new accessories and plus them to +3 or keep them at +0 and have a disadvantage? Also why you ban normal items like AP Potions and Seed of Detection? You know this will favor Rangers against some classes, way too much? As always, these rules have some flaws but if you could atleast remove the accessory restrictions, more people can participate. Like this, it's a tournament that discriminates players that invested more into their gear. Edit: A better solution would be to make everyone use Bloodmark Accessories +0.
  3. Results of the July game season

    Fake results, sometimes you wait for 0:00 to save the rankings and sometimes after 2:00 when arena closes or what? I dont care about rewards but your system is flawed, if Arena is open until 2:00 you shouldnt choose winners before that.
  4. WTB Magic Boost Plume +7 +8 +9 +10 /w or write a mail to Diio ingame
  5. It's working again.
  6. Shugo NPC did not spawn after siege and some people did not go into the instance today. Can you pls fix this?
  7. Double Account

    How about you stop impersonating me you pathetic fanboy.
  8. changing faction ticket ?

    Now u even made a forum account to try and give me a bad reputation like u tried ingame. Lmao. There's only 1 real Conormcgunner and that's me. Get a life kid.
  9. US Server

    NA servers tend to have no population what so ever. Same thing with other private servers where NA servers have max 3-10 players. Not worth it.
  10. Teleport hack/no animation?

    Nobody can bypass anything in this Active Anti Cheat stop spreading lies and myths you dumb****. You noobs really made me go back to my stream and find the part where you can see how I outplay you both. Starting from 7:23:00 you get the first chest because I fail to buff up at the start. Then you can see me go to the next chest in the video above, by Legion Pagati+Windstream. Watch the video and after it go take a long look in the mirror to see what clowns you guys really are. I'm done here. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/612701302 By the way you can watch the whole stream from start to finish to see how I farm the whole day, so maybe you can learn something and like I said before, git gud.
  11. Teleport hack/no animation?

    LMAO so you really made this topic. Let me educate you about a few things. 1. There's a windstream nearby + I use Legion Pagati mount. 2. I use certain gunner skills which add hits to my normal autohits + weaving. 3. Git gud.
  12. [Event] Beritra Treasures!

    So all u need to make is first hit then afk and loot if others get the box? That's stupid. Just group up like everyone else if you can't do it solo.

    Not everybody on siege gets rewards. Only the players who made the highest amount of AP in the correct zone. You are probably one of the players who does not make enough AP. In other words, git gud.
  14. insult .....

    Another snowflake crybaby post.
  15. Teaming in Glory Arena

    Hello, today I witnessed some blatant teaming in Glory Arena. Songweaver Shandris and Chanter Chandris from the same legion went into Glory Arena and never attacked each other, not even once, if I'm correct. Below you can find the video proof. I hope they get punished accordingly. Also some screens below from Shandris, trying to lie and justify his cheating in LFG chat. You can clearly see me killing the templar more than once.
  16. Gunner PvP

  17. PVP Ranking

    No Enemy = Ranking does not change Win = Get Points Lose = Lose Points The system is pure trash tbh so just ignore it.
  18. Hello, I have an idea about Arena Tickets. Many of my arenas are empty, because some people seem to think it's funny to apply on arena and then pass or because they don't get entry at the same time as their second account, when they apply with 2 accounts. This is really annoying and a solution could be to make the Arena Tickets disappear, after you apply for the Arena, so that passing isn't possible anymore.
  19. Teaming in Glory Arena

    Because that was the first time on this server where I met teamers in Glory. Don't worry I won't farm Kata etc. for your Commander rank, that you need to feel good. This server is boring me already.
  20. Teaming in Glory Arena

    Wow. Just wow. So if they did this shit too somebody less geared it would be considered teaming or not? Honestly It makes no sense that you punish others but not them. It's only teaming when its 3v1, but 2v1 don't count? Nice rules. Can't wait for the next glory where they do this shit again, will be fun.
  21. Teaming in Glory Arena

    Well, who else if not your girlfriend or whatever she is to you, to help you win in glory? You really wanna tell me you don't have a Magic Accuracy Set as a Commander? Next time bring a better DPS then and see you fail again. This is my last reply to you, you bore me with your excuses.
  22. Teaming in Glory Arena

    If i wanted your commander rank I would have it in a week or two. I don't care about that. I'm not spamming Katalmize, Kamar, EOB everyday like a tard just to keep my rank like you. I came a month later than you to this server and I only do siege, swb, arenas and sometimes EOB for fun. You need your rank to feel special and spam shit in commander chat, because in PvP you are zero, nothing. I beat you in every duel with 100% life and even wanted to give you tips on playing Bard, where you thanked me, remember? The point is, I don't like cheaters and teamers who ruin the last fun in the game for me or other players, which are arenas, by teaming with legion mates because they suck so bad. I don't care about you or your motivation on why you do this shit but it's pretty obvious and you should be punished like everyone else before you.
  23. Teaming in Glory Arena

    You teamed for 9 minutes and that's a fact, stop trying to lie and find a way out. I guess you randomly applied together and didn't plan to team at all huh? "Teaming depending on the situation". ???
  24. Teaming in Glory Arena

    And what's your girls excuse for not attacking you? Not enough Crit? Dude stop, you're ridiculous.
  25. Teaming in Glory Arena

    Actually there are rules against teaming and teaming is considered to completely ignore each other for the whole 9 minutes of the Arena, which both of you did. Just look at 4:00 of the video, it cant get more obvious, that Chanter was dying to heal you lmao.