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Everything posted by Szymon

  1. 4.6 Cleric Gearing Guide (PvE/PvP)

    Actually, both the eternal and mythic hats you can get from IO (Aegis Chain Helm and Brazen Aegis Chain Helm) have healing boost as a random stat and can give +2~+10. And, since eternal armour boxes drop incredibly often, it's pretty easy to get a hat with +10 HB on it. Technically, there are also crafted hats, but I doubt anyone ever actually bothered with those.
  2. I'll also add that you can head to Oriel/Pernon to get to a special crafting station that uses Handicrafting Enhancement Stones.() Past 400, I always use them, especially for Balic crafts. If you're at 400, I'd start off with crafting a lot of Malevite Ingots. Also, you can use this website ( to find recipes for the skill level you are at.
  3. As in the title, where can I buy the Fine Wood Cabinet Design ? The construction vendor only seems to sell white designs.
  4. Can't see any Fort on any map

    So, I had a similar problem. I couldn't see any camps on the map in Danaria and Katalam. I did restarted the game and my computer and it didn't help anything. I then realised that there has to be a simple solution to this issue. The way to fix it is to go to the map options: Selecting the "Bases" option fixed the issue. For some reason this option became not selected for me at some point (probably a miss-click). I'm leaving this post here, so that anyone else who gets this issue can (hopefully) quickly fix it
  5. Can't see any Fort on any map

    Solved how?
  6. Polish Bard is looking for people to play

    Cześć, wciąż aktualne? Też szukam kogoś do gry
  7. Ktoś do grania

    Cześć, wciąż aktualne? Też szukam kogoś do gry