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Everything posted by passthesauce

  1. still waiting for the dumb answer you gonna give
  2. soo im free to buy account and if im ever ask ill just say im sharing it with friend you guys really that blind you cant see how allowing people to share makes the no buying rule pointless
  3. how do you tell if someone really sharing account and never paid for it?
  4. while you on this trading talk why you guys allow account sharing but not buying?
  5. [Event] Shugo Kingdom Adventure

    when does this event end?
  6. change Side

    only way is by starting fresh on asmo side
  7. Maintenance 25.02.2022

    server been hit?
  8. it drops in the instance the little trolls near big bugs drop it
  9. imbalance

    they can fix this easy but they choose not too it like they want it to die out
  10. Arena of Glory Sevenbojaa and Baooooooge

    no ban topic will get closed once admin get payment
  11. Wrong item bought from shop

    give it a week they may reply they slow like that