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Everything posted by CowBell

  1. Kamar change

    Thanks! Appreciate your clarification. Take your time and test it then properly.
  2. Kamar change

    I guess biggest frustration is when you know that pvp wise opposing ally is really not that much better than yours or even worse, but they always somehow get suspiciously great drops of beritras. From their point of view aoe grenades is best thing they can have, these people 100% not going to vote for grenade removal and lose thing which gives edge in pvp instance to them. In other hand admins wanted to encourage people to pvp in sieges and etc. so I'm with them, let people have pvp also in Kamar, remove this grenade bullshit. At the end of the day Glory Points should go to the ally which pvp'ed, not used one click 5-6 mass aoes on someone. Don't think I need to defend my point of view. People have their own mind about this, I just want to know what admins think about current level of "fairness" in Kamar.
  3. Kamar change

    I honestly don't think they can remove boost pack effect from one instance, would require more work than just disabling one item from dungeon. Even if they say they do, how do you know if its truly not working? Admins most likely not going to admit any of that but whatever, I'm more interested to see if changes like beritra grenade can be done or server itself willing to do something like that. At the end of the day - arenas was disabled literally because of people cheating, not going for fair pvp. Here we go again, I'm raising same question - do we wan't real pvp in Kamar or some washed up version with scam boostpacks and aoe grenades which nobody in right mind enjoy losing to. Some dude already said he's enjoying using grenades when in other thread talking how much he's enjoying pvp on ice next to EB camp
  4. Kamar change

    those grenades completely negate PvP. If both sides going 50/50 then those grenades is HUGE factor in winning whole Kamar instance. Anyone interested in real PVP at Kamar would vote removing aoe grenades, not a brainer, how that fits when you can kill half alliance with one item in pvp instance imagine that your ally getting bigger share of grenades... also those grenades for sure remove way to come back if it takes longer for you to organize, figure out strategy, people just start afk'ing. I literally do not see any positives of having aoe grenades there. on top of that i'm hearing that drop boost packs used to get better chance of beritra. If that is true - what's the point even doing kamar when some clowns basically buy edge even in kamar?
  5. Kamar change

  6. Kamar change

    any news?
  7. no answer is also an answer admins must be having more important questions to deal with than end game players requests.
  8. @TheAlmighty can we get clear answer what's your take on this? Could happen? Not gonna happen?
  9. Cooperation with content creators

    you can add that server link for free you know, takes like 10 sec. to copy/paste link into video description.
  10. If this happens - probably best thing in this server in last 1year+ while im playing on this char Lets be clear, this camp have no real pvp, 99% is ganking, all this time wasting and waiting serves no purpose at all, I guarantee if you ask people who actually does Bastion if they prefer to wait 30+ mins every evening 99% will tell you they don't want to wait at all. In Kaldor we used to have more PVP at EB entrance than in here waiting for NPC to spawn... For fun I checked Pashid Claws in this char (132) and if we take 30mins wait time for every run: (132 * 30min) / 60min = 66 hours just doing nothing spectacular. Put that entrance stone in front of camp and move on, nothing to argue here about.
  11. Tia siege made easier

    You delusional or something? If asmos side not interested in taking Tia forts - its not that boss too hard, you just dont recruit enough people. I don't see any issues with Tia sieges in elyos side.
  12. discord bans?

    Any GM's would be able to contact me and explain why my discord seems to be banned from your server when I was on three weeks vacation? NerijusX#9151 much appreciated
  13. discord bans?

    @sophisticated What? How I insulted server or made negative comments if I was away for three weeks and didn't played aion or used discord? Are you serious here?
  14. Changes in game

    You can trade fortuneers tokens to radiant tokens and buy wings or pets then ^^
  15. Refreshing Glory Ranking

    second day in a row...
  16. Refreshing Glory Ranking

    You missing point here - doesn't matter it's pros or cons, it will create illusion that something is happening in the server and real problem solving gets postponed for another x months ^^ Very convenient
  17. Refreshing Glory Ranking

    There is a reason why PVP events is most hated and lowest in participation :)) Same could apply for sieges, dont you think? You gave "amazing" rewards for new elyos characters in hopes to balance population, shouldnt this start effecting power balance is sieges too? GP's isn't main problem in this server, power balance is for the last year the problem. You trying to solve problem by cutting GP's and somehow throwing "inactive" people from top rankings and same time making sieges more active. What happens if people still not going to siege and same time you loose bunch of players making specifically elyos side even more unhappy, or same elyos just reroll to asmos side which is very popular thing to do these days. You missed your chance to act on asmos domination for last 12 months, now fixing low participation in sieges issue by cutting everyone from arenas and making that content part irrelevant :)) Zerg rush type content just not appealing to me, and FORCING to go to the siege not going to work for me. GP trading is your issue, not players like me or any other random asmo/elyo, we shouldn't be forced to do anything we don't like (sieges) if you cannot find appealing ways to invite players into that type of content. By cutting out parts of content you not going to solve anything, just alienate huge chunck of people and smartpants traders still gonna trade. If you want more active sieges - give permanent pvp buff to losing side and people maybe start seeing hope to win in even if they are outnumbered. Otherwise it's rip for the server. PS. longer you don't give concrete information (reset date, is it repeatable and etc.), more people will be passive and eventually start looking for new server.
  18. Refreshing Glory Ranking

    I understand, but I need to be aware how fast this will be done. In total right now I have almost 40 tickets, so thats not so fast thing to burn through
  19. Refreshing Glory Ranking

    I don't see date when this will be done, how I can know and plan till when should use my Glory tickets? Arena 100% dead to me after this patch, guaranteed people not going to do it if there is no point doing it.
  20. Choose the light side and get gifts!

    Will all respect what you giving in this event for new ely chars is complete garbage, people not going to be motivated with 7 days drop boost pack, most cannot go and just spend couple days in a row on leveling new char. What these 7 days items does to me if I prefer to level my char on weekends? Nothing, drop boost pack is not needed until i reach lvl 65 anyways. By the next weekend these things will be gone already, so half of your giveaways already gone. This had to be minimum 30 days items. Also banning asmo side needed long time ago because people side switching literally because we can't do anything in sieges, meaning no ceras from reshanta forts, cant farm composites, GP and etc. and that gap keep getting bigger with each day.
  21. Choose the light side and get gifts!

    last summer ely side was closed maybe 1-2 months after we keep taking everything, GM's dont want to close asmo side since last summer and start taking upper reshanta/kata/danaria for more than 6 months straight. It's obvious favoritism at this point.
  22. Choose the light side and get gifts!

    Just ignore this, GM's clearly don't care. Lets see what happens when elyos side completely ignore everything related to pvp content and asmos starts getting bored
  23. Choose the light side and get gifts!

    is this April fools joke? :)))
  24. Hi, Had similar post about this in Discord, but no one from administration reacted to it, so I will try once again here. I do have on my character maxed Essencetapping (499), Aethertapping (499) and right now 508 in Armorsmithing. Also I realize that when it comes to crafting most people doing Cooking or Alchemy (food/scrolls) because it's easy money and items goes well in economy. What about all other crafts? It is very visible even if you run through crafting zones that almost no one is doing anything except my previously mentioned crafts. To me reason is clear - to make worth selling items in Weaponsmithing, Tailoring or Armorsmithing takes huuuuge amount of luck, recourses and kinah. Time wise it is not worth at all, so you have chunk of game content sitting there useless. What I want to suggest to server admins - change max gathering level to 510 for example, so we can gather all 499 faster and without annoying fails. If thats not possible - change success rate and gathering speed for those 499 resources. Just do something to speed up this process. PS. i'm not asking better crafting success rates, because I like gathering process itself, just cannot stand anymore this gathering for two hours to be able to make yellow lvl 65 item. Thanks.
  25. Gathering or Crafting changes

    @Christof, sorry but I must STRONGLY disagree with your implications that gatherers can sell materials and make insane money. Its "insanely expensive" in first place because no one is gathering, it takes too much time and effort. Even if we had healthy amount of gathered materials in broker - where from kinah should come to the crafters (whos already almost non-existing type of players besides cooking/alchemy) who supposed to buy these "insanely expensive" materials and HOW that crafter should get money back from items he makes if you cannot pass yellow item tier in your journey to mythic craft? I would rather have 30 chars and do snowballs or shugo type events, then just make truly insane amounts of kinah than gather, what you are saying just makes no sense nor helps any crafter On top of that add these "amazing" pvp events where you can dream about gathering and not getting zerged by bunch of 2-3 star officers. If thats not possible to solve - just say it loud and clear, we will be done with crafting question.