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  1. Missing skin?

    This skin has been added to the "try on" NPC since a while, and still cant find it anywhere into the shop Am I blind or you guys forgot about it?
  2. Makarna

    Nah its totally doable with the actual endgame gear, ppl just need to really have a gear (enchanted and good stones) When we got makarna we just got a 2nd option to be endgame geared: Blessing hyperion or farm Makarna with base hyperion/EB/whatever and get Beritra set since they are very similiar (Beritra: Blessed hyperion: for comparison) Anyway, TOTALLY agree. Always loved Makarna, and its quite more challenging than any other PvE content which is something we need now to appreciate the easy PvE we have atm. As for the loot and rewards ofc no makarna gear, would be overkill. Maybe skins, chance of tempering, Beritra wings (which we already have but locked into PvP event), or even extend materials, composite boxes, medals and ofc GP with same amout as IS. Anything related to endgame needs is ok! .........maybe add a nerfed version of Narakalli too? would be the best thing ever
  3. Wings Exchange Event

    Since that's an actual EVENT it should payback the effort we put into the game, otherwise I wouldnt call an actual event. Making the exchangable in the way Goren said would be the best way to make this fair, I would add 2x or 3x of same wings for 1x of opposite type making this still hard to get but less frustrating. Ive seen many ppl getting multiple copies of same wings wasting all the time and effort they put into that, special note for the dude who posted on discord 4x magic wings on an assassin : | Would be fair even for those who wants to have multiple skins on same wings or for who for same reason use both magical and physical wings. An alternative would be putting wings in a selectable box instead.
  4. 64Bit client

    Hello there, Yesterday I noticed that my client was going on a 32 bit version so I checked on launcher and its checked to be launched as 64bit. So I tryed many ways to start it as 64bit but nothing resolved; I tried to: Check entire game Redownload the launcher Delete bin32 and bin64 folders and launch the check/repair game mode and made it redownload those folders Assured that the game is launched as administrator and even checked to be launched as it by checking the box on launcher file property LIttle edit: I tried to reinstall DirectX (June 2008) too Game still start as 32bit after these My system is Windows 7, 64bit ofc. And I played on retail as 64bit for years without any problems Funny thing: trying some solutions I tried to launch the game by running as administrator the "Activelauncher.exe" that's into the bin64 folder, first try I got back an error, second try it launched but the game was in Polish (I guess)