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  1. GP Situation

    I see someone got... many times by him I am not saying he was the best but yes he was an active pvp player. Organazing Dred, kamar Siege etc...
  2. GP Situation

    Thx for your reply, and yes siege has been like this for many years but we have add some change on the server : 1- last year gp reset = Siege balance cuz both races tryhard 2- Elyos good pvp player (Rip Varenta ,Elie ) left the game so now we have Elyos side top pve heroes not leading shit . So you better make changes or the situation gonna worsens. Again I like the game and the server I dont want it to die. Ty for your consideration
  3. GP Situation

    Hey, Imagine playing a game where u can chose between two races. All of your friends go on side B. Logically you follow them. You then realise that your races is getting... by side A for months every nigths, consequently it is harder for you to grind the game, to earn gp and cera. It is also harder for some reason to ranked up off. 5. However on side A, you can grind the game much faster and easier because you are sure to win every siege. What is keeping me to stay on side B execpt my friends? Of couse there are more and more player on side B rerolling on Side A. Now lets see what admins are doing to find solution : Absolutely nothing. Nothing has even been considerate. Not even to close asmo registration like the did in the past when elyos were winning a few siege. They are even more inactive then Aion retail admins XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Nothing has been tried no siege reset, no gp reset Nothing. Msg to admins : the game is already dying little by little your losing players every week you better start finding solutions.
  4. Server GP reset

    Alright thx for u r response. I hope u ll take my suggestion into account
  5. Server GP reset

    Hey, About a year ago there was a server reset, I think it did good for the game , new players ginding, good balance with sieges (nowdays asmo is just rolling every sieges). Is it possible to suggest having a new server gp reset anytime soon ? Thx
  6. Shop items

    Hey could you add the saxophone emote ? ID: 169601004