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Community Reputation

3 Neutral
  1. impossible to play

    Impossible to play, the window closes without any error every 3 minutes. only happens to me?
  2. Tienda shop

    Hello, yesterday during the maintenance I bought a nibel 4 cube expander, it cost 200 eurocoin and they deducted the charge and I did not get the articuro. My account is Vikingo. personaje casike
  3. if you give me to choose a game that fails 1 day yes or one day no to a maintenance of 1 week. I prefer the maintenance -.-
  4. Server & Game are Dying

    the rank is not good to be ofi 2 you need 25 thousand gp. In my Spanish legion we were almost 60 in 1 week we stayed 4 prescribe the rank please let's see if those of us who remain on the server dare to play
  5. Server unavailable (10/03)

    calma, calma si fueron otros administradores en el juego lo cerraban diratamente .pero estos chicos piensan como nosotros fueron jugadores tambien.y piensas en ustedes ... pasiencia la espera vale la pena
  6. Server unavailable (10/03)

    Those who complain about the server should see the server's rules. The real money you put in is not required. apart without electric current they cannot be miracles..and keeping the game and makina on costs money.
  7. shop pay credit card

    tengo el mismo plovema con mi visa desde Portugal error Autorizacion
  8. Can't advance to expert alchemy

    Tengo el mismo plovema no sube del 399
  9. Not being able to donate without paypal

    Mi unico metodo para ayudar al servidor es Paysafecard hay noticia de esto? Grasias
  10. Donation via Paysafecard

    The solution is Paisafecar is my only reliable method in which I can access

    Hello, there is a Paysafecard for sale of 5 Euros. It would be possible to keep this payment method 5 euros = 250 EuroCoins. Fats
  12. ChnhhhhhhhaqChaqueta del general asmodiano de PNJ 02ueta del general asmodiano de PNJ 02Chaqueta del general asmodiano de PNJ 02
  13. No funciona el cliente
  14. Tienda shop

    ChaqChaqueta del general asmodiano de PNJ 02ueta del general asmodiano de PNJ 02Chaqueta del general asmodiano de PNJ 02