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Everything posted by Antje

  1. Merging..

    Sooo. When i started my Gladiator so did i choose 2 swords, cause i thought you could marge 1 Handed too, but it turns out you only can merge 2 handed ones, so what shall do now... <.<
  2. Merging..

    Nvm I forogt that is the asmos! lol I take 2 of these:
  3. Merging..

    Ok I take two of these:
  4. Merging..

    So, I am bad at this, which weapons should i choice for my gladiator.?
  5. Merging..

    Ah thats good to know.
  6. Merging..

    Are you sure? Cause my friend merged 2 harps..
  7. Merging..

    Ah. so I can soneway merge one handed weapons?
  8. Not getting the quest

    Hello! I am lvl 30 and I still haven't got the quest to get certified for the Eracus Temple... ALso not the "Killing for Castor" quest, any idea why?
  9. Killing for Castor

    Same here
  10. Lost my starter orbs

    thanks got them. I will be super areful now! Thanks alot!
  11. Lost my starter orbs

    Hello! I seems to have lost my starter orbs, I have no memery of that i sold them or destroyed it.. Is it possible to get them back some how? Lost both of them.. My Char name is Antje
  12. Lost my starter orbs

  13. Lost my starter orbs

    I think its was two of these, for my sorcerer: