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  1. Merging..

    Nvm I forogt that is the asmos! lol I take 2 of these:
  2. Merging..

    Ok I take two of these:
  3. Merging..

    So, I am bad at this, which weapons should i choice for my gladiator.?
  4. Merging..

    Ah thats good to know.
  5. Merging..

    Are you sure? Cause my friend merged 2 harps..
  6. Merging..

    Ah. so I can soneway merge one handed weapons?
  7. Merging..

    Sooo. When i started my Gladiator so did i choose 2 swords, cause i thought you could marge 1 Handed too, but it turns out you only can merge 2 handed ones, so what shall do now... <.<
  8. Killing for Castor

    Same here
  9. Not getting the quest

    Hello! I am lvl 30 and I still haven't got the quest to get certified for the Eracus Temple... ALso not the "Killing for Castor" quest, any idea why?
  10. Lost my starter orbs

    thanks got them. I will be super areful now! Thanks alot!
  11. Lost my starter orbs

  12. Lost my starter orbs

    I think its was two of these, for my sorcerer:
  13. Lost my starter orbs

    Hello! I seems to have lost my starter orbs, I have no memery of that i sold them or destroyed it.. Is it possible to get them back some how? Lost both of them.. My Char name is Antje