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Posts posted by Haku

  1. As Angrry said, mb cap is 2900 + target's msupp.

    Endgame instance bosses have the following msupp:
    Hyperion 1335
    Pashid 1335
    Grendal 1150
    Sheba 1150
    Test weapon Dynatoum 1002

    In other words having more than 4235 mb buffed is a waste since that's basically the pve mb cap of this patch. Having around 4k buffed puts you close to cap for the other instances.

    • Like 1

  2. I’ll split this into realistic and ideal suggestions considering how things have been managed up until this point.

    Ideally there would be custom quests to boost pvp activity, but it has been made quite clear that this apparently is not possible to add. I will leave some examples here either way in case the team should get another coder at some point who is able to implement them.


    Realistic suggestions

    Open world:

    ★ Change tia eye daily kill quest to 15-20 kills and boost reward (give same reward box as tia siege for example).



    ★ Implement refunding of arena ticket if no opponent.

    ★ If a player leaves before losing/before arena starts, they should lose points on the website ranking.


    Group pvp instances (6v6, 12v12):
    Dredgion: Remove the key to the captain’s cabin (to discourage rushing) and boost the reward of the scoreboard and the quests. Add gp to the scoreboard.

    Jmr/eob/pvp bridge: as on retail, make it 2 entries per day and open a slot at 00.00-02.00. 

    Kamar: as on retail, make it 2 entries per day. Nerf beritra drop rate.


    New timetable suggestion for group instances:

    12.00-14.00: dredgion, eob

    18.00-19.00: dredgion, kamar
    19.00-20.00: eob
    20.00-21.00: kamar
    21.00-22.00: dredgion, eob

    23.00-00.00: kamar

    00.00-02.00: dredgion, eob

    Several shorter openings might make it easier to find groups when applying and make it easier to shuffle one's evening schedule.



    Ideal suggestions

    Open world:
    Custom quest, weekly: (kata, dana, tia eye) kill 250 players of the opposing faction (or a daily quest for killing 30~40 players).
    Reward: either selectable or randomised bundle containing stuff like temperings, high lvl enchantment stones, composite manastone bundles, lvl 60 green manastone bundles, cera medals and ap.

    250/30-40 kills might be a bit overkill (hehe) for something regular, what I wanted to accentuate here is that it should require some effort (and rewards should reflect this). Perhaps the sweet spot is somewhere between 15 and 25 kills per day.

    The main argument against this is that some people would be kill trading. There’s always going to be a certain amount of people abusing the system in any situation, but this is not a reason to deny everyone else access. I’d suggest testing this for a few weeks and see if it actually leads to increased open world activity or if it really is just kill traders doing these quests.


    Pvp instances in general:

    Add possibility to forfeit a match and instantly receive losers' reward.


    Group pvp instances (6v6, 12v12):
    Dredgion: Add custom rep quest to kill 12-18 players of the opposing faction.

    Jmr/eob/pvp bridge: Add custom rep quest to kill 12-18 players of the opposing faction and remove items/guards.

    • Like 1

  3. There are things I both like and dislike about the skill updates, but the map updates are not that great and we'd also have the full violet revolution (breakthrough enchanting), which is a big no thanks.

    I think the owner's attention is best directed at bettering what we already have as a new patch would just ultimately end up being a new patch with the same problems we have rn.

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  4. A full reset would make several people ragequit, but a 20 or 30% cut might not be too bad every once in a while. The daily decay isn't always fast enough for a server where people come and go every few months.

  5. It's a good start, but as several people have pointed out, atm there are too many fresh and undergeared players on asmo side for this sort of event to pay off for them. It's nice seeing more activity in the eye though! Hopefully next pvp event will be focused on actual pvp kills (then even undergeared people can group up and try to complete it) rather than risky looting in a pvp area (perhaps adding the reward to the daily kill quest and raising the kills needed would be an alternative).

  6. As of right now, 81 is about the only spot in open world where you are guaranteed to find some pvp, so I'm not really a fan of moving the instance. When it was moved in 4.8 you could generally enter faster and keep a better schedule (since the entrance won't despawn) but it also significantly cut pvp activity. I agree it's frustrating when your alliance is slow to fill and you get overrun and the garrison flips right in front of you, though. Perhaps shortening the spawn time of the warcaptain is some sort of solution, but keep in mind that also shortens the time you have to regroup (so if your alliance is bad at time management you will struggle either way).

  7. Bit of a wall of text here, so tldr; the communication issues are alienating the playerbase and exacerbating most, if not all, problems.

    Good to keep in mind for the administration: nobody is here because they want to have a bad time. You are getting such a strong response because people care and they want things to be better. They want you to do better.
    (I’m writing this wall of text because I generally quite like this server and want to keep playing here, but you are making it rather hard at the moment since many of my friends and most of our opponents are quitting)

    Setting aside your apparent disregard of any suggestion made by the playerbase, the communication issues are starting to become a huge problem. People being banned on discord and/or in game for making jokes(!) about the server or its administration is concerning. Banning people for changing the icon of the launcher on their own desktop, for having capslock names (easily achieved by using a japanese or chinese keyboard btw) and calling it hacking, or for making a joke in a legion discord server, erodes a lot of trust that is very hard to rebuild once the damage has been done. There is a big difference between satire, mocking of the issues the server is experiencing and the way those issues are being handled, and actual personal attacks or threats. The latter is inexcusable, but not tolerating the former is rather totalitarian.

    Of course, being a pserver where your staff is easy to reach, critique will quickly feel more personal than it actually is, and things that aren’t necessarily dogpiling might easily feel like they are when it often is only 1 or 2 members of staff being in direct contact with the community (often in a live chat). That does not change the fact that if you cannot handle critique (fair or unfair), one might question if you are fit to run a server of this capacity. Perhaps consider hiring more staff, or rethink how involved your staff actually is with the community? That is not to say you should completely withdraw and let the (sometimes not-so) small fires run their course. I’m assuming members of staff and the administration are all adults, and I’m sure the community expects a certain standard to come with that (perhaps including some sense of self-irony, but one can apparently not be too hopeful).

    The cocktail fiasco
    Looking at the community outrage separately it might look like overreacting, but this being the third (or fourth?) event in a row that has a sudden change in drop rate, loot chances or instance availability/entries, you really should not be surprised the community is reacting like it is. Not having learned from past events that the players naturally gravitate towards whatever’s most profitable effort/reward-wise is not very impressive when this has happened enough times for this to be old hat by now. Not even bothering to apologise before going on the hard defensive is downright embarrassing.

    Customer service 101: when you make a mistake (especially a big one), you apologise, and then try to find a solution that works both for the supplier and the client.

    Being told that “it’s your own fault for not farming the first 2 days” falls in poor taste for several obvious reasons. Arguing that you cannot cater to everyone and “what about players who are away for the whole duration of the event” is a bit of a slippery slope fallacy that ignores the issue at hand: you made a mistake that had rather big consequences and are unwilling to offer an adequate response.

    As we’re dealing with free pixels on a private server it seems absurd that the administration is so adamant about refusing to be accommodating (surely the cost of this being the final drop for many active players is bigger than sorting out some sort of compromise?). The majority of the community is not asking for free loot, they are asking for equal chances of trying to get rewards in the event, whether that be making 5 steel rakes or 50 steel rose cargos a day, or just casually playing like usual with some added drop. (I agree removing reset scrolls was correct, but that should have been done from the start. Now anyone who gambled on reset scrolls being taken off the shop can laugh all the way to the broker, worsening an already bad situation.)

    The difference between having 6 boxes for ~10 min of effort compared to having to share 3-6 boxes with 6-12 other players for anything between 30 to 60 min of effort (where you also run a very real chance of being scammed) is astronomical.

    Even Gameforge handled this sort of thing better. The first time retail had the alchemy event they admitted they messed up by leaving fire temple (unlimited entries and rushable in 2 min) in the drop list, however they let it stay up for the duration of the event as it would be unfair to those who weren’t able to farm the first couple of days if it was removed after the event was launched. Following events were adjusted. (It's also worth mentioning that while the servers saw a dip in activity in other parts of the game, the brokers filled with things like affordable manastones and the economy actually got a healthy boost out of it.)

    Please do not view this post as one massive personal attack. As previously stated I am generally content with the server, but feel like this issue needs addressing more urgently than my other concerns (such of the lack of pvp). A static patch server will eventually feel stale if it's not looked after properly, but at the moment the communication issues have become a bigger problem than lack of content.

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  8. Good rewards for a screenshot event.

    Just a small commentary, would it be possible as a first place winner to choose rewards?
    I would be bummed out to get 1st place when what I actually want is the 2nd place rewards, while I have friends who would join hoping to get 3rd place rewards.

    I know it's pixels for free, but at least the last time you had a screenshot event I think it was like 1st place gets the reward of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, 2nd place gets 2nd and 3rd and 3rd place gets 3rd place only which is a bit more encouraging.

  9. I agree this is much needed.

    Some sort of perma or semi-perma eye pvp event/change would be great as well seeing as even eye is pretty empty most of the time. Not a lot is needed, just upping reward and kill count of already existing quests for simplicity's sake since they don't want to implement custom quests. Would it for example be possible to change the tia eye daily to 10-20 kills and put a rng box like from tia siege in the reward? Not sure if this would be incentive enough, but something along those lines. Similar is hard for garrisons since there are so many, but some sort of pvp weekly for kata-dana would be great... (guess this is impossible since it would require some sort of custom quest though).

  10. 11 minutes ago, YEG said:

    We never have 3 siege a day, maximum was katalam+abys in same day. And gf have always suck on his classement management, they do fully reset but none know when or why. The do only 1 none fully reset and it was for the 4.5 update when ranking pass from AP to GP it was a /1000 (you had 1 000 000 ap, tadam u have 1000 gp)

    My bad, I was looking at old patch notes (where every kata-dana fort was split into different hours) since the only thing I do remember is there was so much sieging it was exhausting. You made 1k+ gp every single day so when that suddenly changed to the system we currently have that gap was incredible. It's ofc not quite the same here, but I meant to support the point of it's certainly easier to chill at the top if one played from the start, even if one is not as active anymore atm.

  11. It was easier to rank up a few months ago when the server had 6-700 players at peak time, though. I was also nearly general myself when I quit for ~2 months around the middle of January. When I came back I was still around rank 80 and could more or less keep that with ~250 gp gain/day, but when the server started tipping the 1k population point I was dropping more rapidly.

    I think a 30-40% cut every 2-3 months might be a decent solution. (We were also arguing with GF about this when this patch was live, too. Those who did every siege at the start of 4.x when there was 2-3 sieges/day racked up such ridiculous amounts of gp new players had no hope of ever reaching xform within years). We don't know how many people will remain on the server after COVID measurements start loosening up, but I'm quite sure it's more likely people will stay if they had a good time while playing here during quarantine, and for some people being able to reach a siege rank within a reasonable time frame counts towards that.

    I also agree that it's the best for the faction if the top 30 at least are active players, but I think it's not realistic expecting them to play "for the greater good". Every single league I've ever been part of in this game ended up splitting over selfish disputes. It's also not going to help much when everyone and their dog thinks they know better than whoever's doing siege lead yet still blame siege lead for failed tactics (sort of hard to see whether the calls were good or bad when most people don't follow them) and then are somehow surprised when they don't want to lead anymore. Of course it would be nice though if our generals+ play in league or at least follow the lead calls.
    Atm top 2 legions ely side don't join league and just sit in their own fortress for the entire duration of siege btw with 82 and 92 respective members. Ofc idk how many of those players are active, but there's a pretty sizeable chunk of white names with those legions sitting around during siege.

  12. Thank you so much for all the new skin additions! Another cheeky request then since you added skins from later versions:

    Cursed spirit's robe [item: 110901482]

    Incidentally, I couldn't help notice you added a skin from Makarna (beritra shield). Any chance you could add the other weapons and/or armour sets too? :x

    It is not possible to enter this item, since it is not available in the game client.

  13. I've socketed 3-6 parts of gear on 2 different characters so far, the rate seems the same as on retail - complete rng. Once needed only 7 stones, other times 50-200. Granted, I am socketing white stones, but I also would not start socketing anything without a huge pile (that's just how I've always done it). You can buy supplements in game (camps) or ecoins/100%s from other players if you would rather go that route (more expensive per stone, but it's a 100% guaranteed socket), personally I socketed 2 stones w/o supps, 3 with normal supps and last stone with 100% on retail.