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  1. is this allowed?? https://www.twitch.tv/bezieu/clip/DifferentSullenClipzFeelsBadMan-eqiC56zjNKYHu7Fy when yes can some one pls send the config
  2. Camera problem

    i have the same problem to, but i have no teamspeak. the problem is after i recheckt the clinte it worked 1 day now its thera again i cant rotate my Camara it stop at 180 degress. i have this problem only on euro aion., i only have this problem on euro aion
  3. Camera problem

    i have the same problem to, but i have no teamspeak. the problem is after i recheckt the clinte it worked 1 day now its thera again i cant rotate my Camara it stop at 180 degress. i have this problem only on euro aion.
  4. Choose the dark side and get gifts!

    i dont know i never join siege because i am full gear and i dont need ceranium or gp from siege. i get gp from Arena and 5 star is easy to hold. if you change the siege reward to something usefull like extra enchants or tempering solutions. then i would join siege again many would join siege. and dont afk in pande.or sanctum. the player need something they really need so they go to siege and fight like their life depend on it. for a better gameplay and more action on the server.