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  1. @Veda With all my respect I understand you want to make money but earlier almost all skins were treadable and it worked just fine, why suddenly it's bad for economy? On classic server those skins are treadable and it works just fine. I'm just sick of seeing broker full of old same skins. No one buys them anymore so ppl who put them there can't even make kinah from their ecoins. I believe that making skins treadable would have positive impact on server economy. People from Europe have almost no way to donate and the only option is getting involved in cryptocurrency which not everybody can on want to do. And yet you make it even more difficult to us. If I want to buy a skin from item shop now then I have to buy ecoins from players with my kinah... How is it different from buying skins from broker? In both ways I have to use kinah not donation but the buying ecoins from players not always seems secure and convent. I understand that you make such changes to make more money but maybe you should work on donation options instead. I'm sure that if there would be a normal way to donate from UE banks you would have made much more money. I have a warehouse full of skins that I bought but didn't like how they look in game and all I can do with them is discard since I can't even sell them... ANYWAY I believe current situation has a negative impact on UE players and I hope you will consider to made at least some of new skins treadable.
  2. Thank you for the answer but I mean the item shop we pay in Ecoins not the ingame ceranium medals one.
  3. Dear Admin Team, I wanted to reach out regarding the new skins available in the item shop. I've noticed that they are both more expensive than old ones and, most importantly, untreadable on the broker. I fully understand the costs associated with maintaining the server and the impact of inflation, which can affect pricing. However, I am curious about the reasoning behind restricting the trading of new skins on the broker. This seems particularly significant given that donation options for European players are somewhat limited. I appreciate all the hard work you put into the server, the ability of playing there makes me happy!
  4. [Competition] Summer Breeze

    so no drawings?
  5. [Competition] Summer Breeze

    Hi, does collage here means drawings? If so if digital drawings are acceptable?
  6. Racial Discrimination report

    I have no words. Those people playing a victims here and covering it in racism, calling everyone racist while being the most offensive. It doesn't have sense, you're making drama out of nothing, go touch grass or something.
  7. Racial Discrimination report

    Yes, being offensive towards others is always inappropriate, race doesn't matter here. Look at you, calling others stupid while demanding punishment for being offensive. You're just being hypocritical here, please just stop.
  8. Racial Discrimination report

    You are just being illogical. So you can insult people but people can't (it wasn't even directly) insult you? Please grow up or go play a victim somewhere else, no one gonna treat you special just because you're Chinese.
  9. Racial Discrimination report

    But being rude on world chat to others is also a serious problem... You are not innocent here, pal. You think that admins won't punish you because no one knows what you are saying but it's obvious you're just disrecpesting each others in Chinese.
  10. Racial Discrimination report

    You are just being mean to me while i'm just asking... Its european server, i dont have to know chinese
  11. Racial Discrimination report

    So will you please tell us what you said to yourselves in chinese? I'm sure you're wishing each others a good day and calling each others good players, right?
  12. Orb for pvp

    Hello, is it worth making pvp orb for sm? For example swb + officer orb? Will it make difference in dmg compared to swb + officer book? Ofc for mr cleric its better to go with book but how about others?
  13. Player Disrespect

    I like the topic "player disrespect", then op is just attaching screenshot in which his first message is "you f0cking retard" wtf. Dude, what is the point of posting it here? You're like... reporting yourself? You could just uninstall the game instead of asking for ban. When it comes to Omneity... well he's a guy you either love or hate, nothing in between. That's good you've posted it here, because now the angry kids will know that other people can actually bite back, so maybe they'll think before they speak. Remember kids - play stupid games, win stupid prizes.