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Everything posted by kossa98

  1. Character Twistt

    Hey, I have two characters, bard and sorc, dressed in full hyopperion. I have a problem because I don't know which character I would rather move on and make the main one. Bard is cool, but does much less damage than sorc. Despite my gear and stats, people treat me like a pm charger. The sorcerer, on the other hand, deals more damage, but is so wooden. Much heavier to play, not mobile. Maybe I'm doing something wrong that makes my wizard seem slow. Every person with an AP set kills me without a problem, and I can't do anything ;( Is the bard really as weak as everyone says?
  2. payment problems

    hey, I have a problem with payments on the website. I can't pay for ecoins with a visa credit card. I provide the necessary data and receive the message "card not supported" This is strange, because I have already paid for ecoins with it more than once, any advice?
  3. Chanter PvP gear

    Hey guys! I have a question for you, what stats should he have for PvP chanter without mantras and buffs? I'm especially interested in how much Macc I should have.
  4. head skin

    Hey, I wonder how to get Crown of Flame Feather [item: 125001111]. I know it falls somewhere in the fire temple. Unfortunately, there is no concrete answer on the Internet. is this a drop from the final boss? can i get it at level 65? I will be grateful for information
  5. AP gear sell

    Can you tell me where it is most profitable to sell?
  6. AP gear sell

    Hei! Two months ago I took a break from the game. Not very wisely, I blindly bought the officer's set (staff and armor). After reflection, set rank 1 is better for me. Is there a way to undo the purchase of these items or another way to recover AP points and medals?
  7. payment problems

    PAYPALYCH I have always used this method, and the minimum value is ok, I tried 300
  8. [Alliance] Face the Commander

    hey, my oversight. Jask then unlock the quest glory on swb
  9. Hi, I have a problem with the quest "[Alliance] Face the Commander". I've done instances many times, but it never counts the boss as a mission for me, is it a mistake? Thanks for helps.
  10. Can't get the acces to Kromede Trial's

    Hey, I have the same problem. I leveled up today and the mission is missing. nick; Poika
  11. Ruhnadium entry

    Hi! I have a problem with entering the runadium instance (normal, not bonus). When I click on the portal (gate) it says "this is probably the entrance to the runadium". I've been looking for information on the web if there is any prerequisite task, but I couldn't find such information. I will be grateful for any help
  12. Hey, today I did the tasks and during the mentioned "idriatu legion" Idriatu Legion Description: Talk to Perento. Talk to Piros. Look for Lamidros. Destroy the [plur]Balaur Guardian Stone (5). Defeat Guardian Drafala (1). Report to Perento. Orders: Heiron's leaders plan to strike a blow against the invading Balaur. Go to the fortress and meet Brigade General Perento. the problem is i have 9/5 stones destroyed and the task is still not completed, I do not know what to do. Thanks in advance for your help