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Everything posted by Chococake

  1. My princess studio

    Incoming spring
  2. My princess studio

    Hi good morning it's really nice today. Moving a bit before I get up from the bed. Of course after you get up you have to do some exercise my butler said not again. Yeehaw ready to kick someone ass. It's rather cold today so I'll do some dance by the fire. Showing beautiful view outside. This is a small corner where I read some books Come and join me for the books. This is where usually my guests to my studio will sit and I share my philosophy with them. Thank you for visiting my studio. I'll go back to sleep now.
  3. My princess studio

    The girl with anxiety o_o
  4. Only characters can participle must be lv 65.Before you enter this arena, you have to take all gears ,scrolls ,foods and pots to warehouse(including accessories and plumes) or else you won't be able to enter.You only keep skillbars and stigma. Inside you will be given pots, healing pots ,scrolls, foods and fixed gears (I don't care if the gears will be starter gears because everyone else got same) and weapon without mana stones slots.(Those goodies will disappeared once you left arena.) Rewards will be randomly ancient coins ,blood marks ,green mana stones ,enchantment stones lv 95-105. Purpose : To help newbies progress with gears and ready with PvP. This arena totally separate from normal game arena.
  5. Probleme Windows 11 ( 24h2 ) aion 64 bits

    Veda that's mean I can update the windows now right ?
  6. My princess studio

    Waiting for a camp in Katalam
  7. Question about new rule

    This means specify events like Snowball or including dual client farming blood mark, ancient coin quests or siege(tia) ?
  8. Question about new rule

    Really large accounts ? could you be more specific at ? 2 3 4 5 6 ? How we can report someone who broken this rule ? Sorry but the rule is so vaguely
  9. I see euroaion having a lot of updates so I wonder can we update our windows yet ?
  10. I mean develop new version of Aion could be based on 5.8 but limited content to 4.6 Good thing about it is new graphics engine ,new stigma system. Let us test this new beta server and give feedback what it should change. And eventually when everyone happy about this testing server merge database into a new server. Can you develop such as a server ? It's a long term plan anyway I don't expected it finish soon but maybe a couple years from now ?
  11. My princess studio

    Random work in random day for fun
  12. My princess studio

    Look into eternally morning.(Actually it's evening but nobody cares right ? o_o)
  13. This should happens ? Is anything in progress now ? Also update tiamat siege with L130 and ancient coins.
  14. More source of ancient coins please

    Eh ? you want new players to have at least 100kk just to enchant weapon +5 ? not mentioned of manastones which probably need another 100kk for that, AC itself with 5 pieces which probably cost them for 1b. Go ahead and make your own good suggestion in your own thread. Mod already considering my suggestion.
  15. Dropping in final boss sauro bag or in events I don't mind just need more of ancient coins ty
  16. My princess studio

    Here non ukraine flag version which version you think is best ? ;D
  17. My princess studio

    Before anyone comment it's Ukraine flag I thought blue and gold would looks good and I copied from my keyboard lighting but turns out to be Ukraine flag 3D sphere butterfly is completely experiment lol
  18. My princess studio

    enchanted colors v.2
  19. My princess studio

    Alternate artwork I made while I'm bored it's totally experimental
  20. [Works] Summer breeze

    Name : Faweriel Faction : Elyos
  21. My princess studio

    Alternate version of contest art someone said it's too flashy so I post it here instead
  22. My princess studio

    Ah the blue moon beautiful tonight so I decided to take some screenshot
  23. More source of ancient coins please

    Thank you so much for considering Veda
  24. More source of ancient coins please

    I see you added ancient coins in event thank you for that However I got some more suggests could you add manastone bags and enchantment stone bags L105-L110 this is crucial to new players. Since ancient coins, mana stones, enchantment stones price is so high so right need to bring the price down. You need like 100+ manastones to socket your gears. Please considering this suggestion too thank you
  25. Hi I'm purposing make Idian Depth as a PvE instance map means Elyos and Asmo got their own version of the map like 4.8 Why ? Because Idian Depth is an important map to farm manastones/ancient coins daily which important to new players also for farming ide which needed for IS/Kata. Well thanks for listening