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Posts posted by Lzr

  1. Dont make you the work to report Hruhru. This Character is botting Aether since, honestly i dont know, over a year? GMs doenst care about him, while other ones got banned.

    This one i uploaded on 27.04.21....

    just take a look at it... they said to me "thats not a proof".

  2. 11 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


    I, personally, checked this player several times by now. The last checking was just a couple of days ago and the player reacted to my attacks, started runnig from me. 
    Also reacted to the death of the character. Right after I defeated him, he resurrected. Without staying dead any minute.
    Before that the player sent me a "?" sign in whisper. This one was very long ago. 

    Autonomous gathering means that the player doesn't participate in the game process at this moment at all and doesn't see what's going on on the screen. Here the player clearly can see what is happenning around.

    Ok, nice to know you apply double standards.
    You can clearly see in the Video that the player is not at his screen. But ok, you're the boss, it's your Server, your rules.

    But especially to your explanation im just wondering, because you can see in the Video above, that the player obviously doenst react to his environment. Also he tries to gather an aether gem what is already gathered by another player (me) (at. 2:45 in the vid) That results clearly of activating a "gather-macro" without being at the screen. 

    I mean if you say "using ingame-macro with clickers or smth similar is allowed" -  fine. But as i understood this is not allowed. And the player in the Video is a prime example for exactly doing that.


  3. 7 hours ago, Budixx said:

    The situation will be checked I sent the video directly to the staff, so they'll check it and reply with an answer to it.

    The described Situation cant be seen on the video.
    On the video you can just see, that HruHru ist autonomous gathering. Obviously.

    • Like 1

  4. 59 minutes ago, Kamai said:

    whisper, he can just have muted aion and listen to music

    he have blocked PT add / alliance so he dont need click additional buttons

    why he collecting aether? maybe you got lag and dont take another

    but for seriously

    he is botting 100%


    Yeah, could be.

    But even if you "steel" his Aether Gem he/she dont care and only flys to the next gem when the current one disappeared and another one is in range. The reason ist simple: He is afk and just activating the macro by clicker or what ever. 

    @TheAlmighty, @Admin you should just take a look at the video. You will clearly see that its afk gathering. Or is this allowed on this server?

  5. Hey,

    i've recorded a guy that is botting aether non-stop afk.
    He's obviousliy afk-farming.

    He declines all requests by standard so i couldnt see if he reacts on group-invitations and other things like that. But he doesnt react on whispers.
    He stucks in the Air when no aether is in range. While he is stuck he use flight-time skills. He try to farm aether where other ppl are already gathering. 

    All this you can see in the video.


  6. You can only buy the whole stack from broker. There is no Option to select a specific amount of the sold item(s).

    This function was added in later Patches.