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Everything posted by Dabor

  1. Unlock FPS?

    Hi, is it possible to unlock the fps? I stuck on ~ 60 fps, but it should be much more with intel 9900k.
  2. [Event] Phoenix Assault

    can you choose from the items in the xenophon commander box, or is it random?
  3. Server unavailable (10/03)

    Wait for next week
  4. Server unavailable (10/03)

    What about a forum game, something to kill the time till next week? Just for fun, maybe with a chance to win an item, skin or something else, its just a suggestion, dont be toxic
  5. Server unavailable (10/03)

    From Octave Klaba *Update 1pm* Plan for the next 1-2 weeks: 1) rebuilding 20KV for SBG3 (our server) 2) rebuilding 240V in SBG1/SBG4 3) verifying DWDM/routers/switchs in the network room A (SBG1). checking the fibers Paris/Frankfurt 4) rebuilding the network room B (in SBG5). checking fibers Paris/Frankfurt*
  6. Quest Bugs

    Hi, i have quest bugs which i cannot explain. Im lvl 41. - Indratu-Legion Quest and some other which i did before, dont have any actualisations. Sometimes its difficult to understand what i have to do next. - Quest Arrows are disappearing often, so if i dont check directly on the NPC, i wouldnt know that there will be a Quest. - I dont have any access Quests for Kromedes Trial, there is like nothing, Perento has no Quest for me, no fake stigma quest, so i still cannot enter the dungeon... Maybe im doing something wrong, i hope someone can help me, its really annoying