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Everything posted by Luchibi

  1. Hi, On gelkmaros map Hruhru named player aethertapping with script or macro and also he bring his elyos assassin to kill other gatherers for gathering alone. that assassin never touching him and obviously controlling by himself (the asssassin's nick Kakogoxrena) . You can check from screenshots. He's already there for ours and doing the same thing.
  2. Afk aethertapping on gelkmaros and more

    your answer is so strange and not full actually, having account on 2 factions ok. There is a big BUT here, "using 2 different faction to occupy a gather place for own benefit" . if u say ok to that u should set free to make kill trades. by the way aether gatherer is %100 not a player, bot or script, many times try to gather my aether "which im already gathering at that moment". i'll edit here with the video. i have no idea why you defend that kind of actions, its totaly damaging your reputation.
  3. Afk aethertapping on gelkmaros and more

    i couldnt get any respond to my last message, i'm still waiting for an answer for that. By the way i got this asmo-elyos double owner again and this time i have video. Btw this time i couldnt decide both of them bot or not, because assassin always doing same moves and after the kill he's backing same position with hide state and probably relog position. video here with showing server time:
  4. Server unavailable (10/03)

    idk how much time need for resume process but till that time may be you can give us a playground. it could be good thing to have a playground like test server to spend time with the game or making practice with other classes. i hope you considere about that bcs ppl already looking for other games or servers atm.
  5. Afk aethertapping on gelkmaros and more

    sure i can record a video but cant you match their ip for 2 nicknames? is it legal to use 2 different races to occupy a gather place for his/her own benefit? if it so it should be legal doing kill trade too. its not so different.