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1 Neutral
  1. [Event] Candy Battlefield

    just entered in the battlefield, 3 asmos in total on a span of 20 minutes against god knows how many elyos, you can't call that fair. Sadly it's the same old story from retail servers where developers push for events but never actually adress the lower population or faction imbalance problems
  2. cheers to the three winners of this tournament bards gunners mechas
  3. Server unavailable (10/03)

    it was NC Soft in disguise
  4. Gladiators thoughts

    hi, i'm a new gladio in the server, i have been playing for a few months by now and just reached level 65 but now i'm really lost. i figured out how should i acquire pvp and pve sets but there are a lot of questions unanswered. Let me make some examples, aside from the stigma builds both in pve and pvp of which i find nothing that seems optimal in either case there remains the problems of how should i socket manastone slots or how i should fight against kiting classes and so on. If you are a gladio too would you mind to share your thoughts with me and every other gladio reading this post? Thank you in advance
  5. Can't enter

    Hi, I downloaded the client and istalled it but when i click on "play" button it doesn't run and shows a message that tells me that i have to install "DirectX". I already tried to install even if I already had it by default. I tried to manually run the game by opening the Euroaion's directory and clicking on "start game" instead of "activation launcher". I also tried to copy files by another person that has successfully istalled the game. But it doesn't work anyway. I leave a screenshot about the problem hoping we can solve this. Thank you for your time and attention.